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Boho Balm
Scarborough Qld 4020
At Boho Balm we set out to develop a multi-purpose natural skin care product that was luxurious to use. A product that would restore skin health, repair damaged skin and produce a rejuvenating effect that you could both see and feel. Did you realise that your skin is the largest organ in your body? On a daily basis we unintentionally expose our skin to damage from sun exposure, air conditioning, pollutants and chemicals in the air as well as in the water we drink, swim and/or bathe in. Our stressful pace of life and subsequent caffeine, alcohol and fast food intake along with a chronic lack of sleep for a large number of people all add strain to our precious skin. It’s obviously vital that we’re diligent with what we apply to our skin and natural skin care products are always going to provide the best results. What you put on your skin should always improve skin health, be nutrient rich and enhance its appearance. Boho Balm is 100% natural made with Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Australian Beeswax and Honey. It is rich in anti-oxidants, has amazing anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and anti-bacterial properties. Are you looking for happier, healthier, revitalised skin? If you answered yes, then try Boho Balm.
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Aug 18, 2018
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