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We have this maniacs here too. But we have summer only for a short time, so mostly of the yr they cant drive =)
Too Stupid to Live
To the Motorcycle Maniac: Late for work…or simply a death wish? In either case, don’t involve innocent bystanders in your quest for Biggest (and most dangerous) Jackass on the Highway. I know summer brings out the sense of adventure, but it does not give license to endanger others, especiall...
very nice pics! You have cute dogs =)
Wednesday Woof
On any given Wednesday By the by A dog’s greatest dream is Kibble pouring from the sky
I bought the book for Elias yesterday. So he will write about the book on my blog when he has read it.
Life’s Not Always Nice The 2nd Time Around
I’ll need to steal away some time to read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. I’ve always thought the character, which makes a brief but memorable appearance in Eclipse, was a storyteller’s gem that needed its moment to shine. One could tell Bree was living in her own world somewhere between t...
Looks like a very nice synday i think =)
What is…
…Sunday without a dozen doughnuts and the appreciative kisses of a small, furry creature? I dare say, not much of a Sunday at all.
Bokcirkelkarin is now following The Typepad Team
May 26, 2010
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