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Diane Bolt
Recent Activity
Diane Bolt added a favorite at Over the Kitchen Counter: Angie's Place for Cooking and Crafts
Nov 29, 2011
Diane Bolt is now following Angie
Nov 29, 2011
thank you so much Angie for that beautiful fruitcake i have been looking for a good recipe like my grandmother used she was English >> thks to you i found it what a great video brought back so many memories off to my bulk barn diane
Traditional Fruitcake
Poor fruitcake! It gets such a bad rap...and is still around since its early days in the what, 1400s? Who's got the last laugh now!?!? In my family we treat the fruitcake with a little more respect. No door-stop jokes around here. We've had fruitcake every Christmas since the begin...
Diane Bolt is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 29, 2011
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