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Bonnie Jones
Recent Activity
Connie: I have no idea what I was referring to because the only on-line classes Marilyn teaches are on That Creative Place...I think...but, sometimes my brain fails me.
Marilyn is the reason I started sculpting in polymer clay..I saw her work many years ago on her website and fell in love with it.
Have fun with the polymer clay!!!!!Lots of help on the internet now...back when I started, it was trial and error.
Red Head Pixie Witch
A tiny 9" Red Head Witch is now residing in my Etsy Shop. She has been in an Art Gallery and I decided it was time for her to return to me. I sculpted her from puppen fimo including her clothes and boots. A stockinette dyed eggplant purple and trimmed with copper paint was draped over her. Sh...
Thank you so much Cindy...nice to hear from you again....
Red Head Pixie Witch
A tiny 9" Red Head Witch is now residing in my Etsy Shop. She has been in an Art Gallery and I decided it was time for her to return to me. I sculpted her from puppen fimo including her clothes and boots. A stockinette dyed eggplant purple and trimmed with copper paint was draped over her. Sh...
Christine, thank you for stopping by and making your lovely comment.
Forest Fairy
Forest Fairy is a 9" full body sculpt from Puppen Fimo polymer clay. She has hand made green eyes and red mohair for hair. Her headdress is made from beautiful glass beads woven into gold wire with silk leaves. I dressed her in dyed gauze, which I believe a Forest Fairy would probably wear. ...
I really love these always, your pottery is not only beautiful to look at but serves a purpose.
Keep up the posting; it will take time, but people will gradually find you.
Reviving An Old Item
We have had several requests for trivets to set hot tea pots on so we are back to making this item. They are also helpful for casseroles and bowls of hot food that could make steam pockets on your table and ruin the finish. So when you don't think table texiles are enough protection consider a ...
Bonnie Jones is now following Lee
May 24, 2011
We own this, or one similar and we LOVE it.
More hot pots!
New items firing weekly. Check out this tea group.
Bonnie Jones is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I enjoyed the video. You work with such speed and it is magical to see the results.
En cours (toujours)
Je suis désolée vous allez voir essentiellement des travaux en cours dans les semaines à venir car je prépare ma prochaine expo (solo)et je travaille sur plein de pièces en même temps (j'ai ai entre 20et 30 pièces à avoir terminé pour dans à peu près deux mois) que je ne vous montrerai pour l...
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to participate in meeting so many people in one place. Your treasures are all fabulous and I would be honored to own any of them.
Bonnie Jones
[email protected]
Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am Lisa Swifka and I am not only the creator of this event I am also a participant like all of the others on the list! I am late in getting mine posted but in my mind 'better late than never' - right? I am so glad you've stopped by. Normally I'd offer you some...
This is my first year to participate and I have really enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people. So, I thank you for this opportunity. Your treasures are fabulous and I would be honored to own any one of them.
[email protected]
Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am Lisa Swifka and I am not only the creator of this event I am also a participant like all of the others on the list! I am late in getting mine posted but in my mind 'better late than never' - right? I am so glad you've stopped by. Normally I'd offer you some... much detail
Belle au Bois Dormant
Un conte que j'aime bien revisiter régulièrement Sleeping Beauty: One of my favourite fairy tale, I often like to reinterpret it 80cm de haut / 31,4' Cygnes qui ne sont pas visibles immédiatement car ils sont perchés un peu en retrait tout en haut du "lit". Some swans you can't at on...
Sounds like so much fun!!! Am off to put the flier on my blog.
Halloween {A Hauntingly Magical Celebration Revealed}
Fasten your corsets and lace up your boots! Put on your top hats and antique black suits! Curl your mustache and iron your hair, don't dust off the spider webs, why, they add such flair!!! (The 2009 event is officially LIVE, right here) It's time to creep up the spiral staircase, to the ...
This piece is beautiful with so much detail. I have one of your broaches (actually two)and just love them. Your work is so unique and creative.
"The owls are not what they seem"
Nouveau cadre pour l'exposition Un Jardin dans les Ténèbres à Paris A new piece made for A Garden in Darkness exhibition in Paris environ 45cm de haut /about 17,7'
A beautiful interpretation....gorgeous!!!!!!
Art Dolls Only Challenge: The Four Elements
"Brighid, the Wind's Bride" is wearing a veil of paper dragonflies and a dress made of embossed decorative paper embellished with paper dragonflies, butterflies, leaves and blossoms Welcome! As part of the Art Doll Elements Challenge, I chose to create "Brighid the Wind's bride" representi...
Bonnie Jones is now following Laetitia
Jun 4, 2009
Fabulous...I am in love with all of your work...
Carrousel aux Cygnes
Un des carrousels présentés, j'ai pris en vitesse des petites vidéos qui les montrent en mouvement lorsque l'on tourne la vous les montrerai dès que j'aurai réussi à télécharger un logiciel me permettant de les retravailler un peu . Mais j'avoue que pressée par le temps mes photos ...
I love your magical world of paper and enjoy seeing the unfinished pieces....
Jardin de plantes toxiques
Quelques croquis de pièces terminées ou en cours pour l'expo (toujours sur le thème du jardin )et inspirées par quelques unes de mes plantes toxiques préférées: ciguës, héllébores noires belladones, colchiques qui fleurissent discrètement deci delà sur chacune des pièces Some sketches of piec...
You really did a wonderful job with the portrait of your customer's dog....know they were so pleased.
Portrait de Chien/ Mâtin de Naples
Travail de commande que j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à faire ,car le mâtin de Naples est le chien que j'aurais rêvé avoir.... et que j'aurais peut être eu si j'avais eu un semblant d'autorité sur la gente canine.(mais vu que le chien de mes parents passe déjà le plus clair de son temps couch...
I love working in monochromatic colors and white and beige ae my favorite colors to work with. Soooo, I just love what you have done with these wonderful pieces. They are so exquisite!!!!
Le Jardin de la Licorne
70 cm de haut
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