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Bookseller and reader.
Interests: The decline of the West.
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That's brilliant Mike. I once read a quote from one of their tour managers, with reference to the hotel they were staying at in Crystal Palace - They do things on the cheap and it always comes back and bites them on the bum.
Toggle Commented Mar 29, 2013 on Is the lady here? at The Bedside Crow
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Can I become an honorary member?
Toggle Commented Feb 22, 2013 on And then I laughed out loud. at The Bedside Crow
1 reply
All the fucking time. And we have a coffee shop next door On BOTH sides.
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Well, no more than usual eh? Thanks Belinda x
Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2012 on The number 63 special. at The Bedside Crow
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Bless you Mike, for remembering my previous finest hour. I hope you and yours are well.
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Isn't she just.
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Nah, Sarah, just a couple of cards.
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Game of Thrones. It seemed like a good fit and it's my job. I'm wondering if he will remember me in the morning though.
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We done none. Possibly be cause I laugh uncontrollably every time someone asks me if I've read it.
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It was great Mike. Apparently in the US Fox showed 45 mins highlights of the whole Paralympics.
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I am working on a medium-sized one. On the first page someone falls through a bookshop ceiling. Two men are sleeping in the shop. One of them is cuddling a cardboard cut-out of Morrissey. That's enough for now.
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Sarah, what, what will they do when all these fields are Amazon? x
Toggle Commented Aug 7, 2012 on There is a man. at The Bedside Crow
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There is Martin, rest assured the estate agents have found it.
Toggle Commented Jul 25, 2012 on She is on the phone. at The Bedside Crow
1 reply
WELL DONE ALAN :) Stella, With the exception of Ali Smith in paperback I have 4 times as many copies of your book than any of the others. You should come and sign them. x
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2012 on Fresh! at The Bedside Crow
1 reply
Thanks Sian. When we went to New York we took a lot of guides and Frommers was the best. The Time Out thing makes no sense. A couple of years ago they made The Exhibition Rooms their neighbourhood restaurant of the year, to not even mention it (and some even better restuarants) is nuts.
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Mike, have just read The Broken Shore on H's recommendation. I think you have previously recommended it to me too. What a great book. Have just started The Truth. Mentioned you in dispatches on Saturday when I met up with H for the first time in a long time.
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No but the author has the (actually) engaging habit of talking about himself in the third person because he was there when the events took place.
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It's a keeper, I think, Belinda.
Toggle Commented Feb 29, 2012 on and we were tickled no more. at The Bedside Crow
1 reply
Man up John. Man up.
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2012 on What I read. #fridayreads at The Bedside Crow
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Nah. But plenty of other people did.
Toggle Commented Jan 23, 2012 on Girl says at The Bedside Crow
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You should have charged for a fifty minute hour x
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Sarah, I'm glum too, can you tell? I was in NY this time last year and would love to be back there now. x
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Discover a new book every month selected and sent to you by The Bookseller Crow. It's that simple. Each month we will send you a book that we think deserves your attention, mostly, but perhaps not always, this will be a novel, or a book of short stories, in paperback.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2012 at OLD The Flight Club
Sian, she pulls on her chuggers vest and heads to Camden. Oh well, I hope it works for her x
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2012 on Rubbish bookmark. at The Bedside Crow
1 reply
Stef You win the bonus points, it is The Family Fang. Have you read it?
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2012 on Rubbish bookmark. at The Bedside Crow
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