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My Booter X1
Recent Activity
Hi, I know this is not the place but I've tried contacting Autodesk but I got no answer. The DevTV Programming for Motion Builder part1 .mov file is broken. It plays up until the 17th minute then it white screens and only outputs sound after that. If anyone here could link me to a working version of the file that'd be great.
Around the Corner: a new M&E developer blog
There is a new blog in town! Around the Corner, is a blog dedicated to plug-in developers working with Maya, MotionBuilder, FBX and any other technology that strikes our fancy at the moment of blogging. This blog is authored by Cyrille Fauvel and me (Kristine Middlemiss, I am sad to say I am ...
My Booter X1 is now following Kristine Middlemiss
Nov 2, 2012
My Booter X1 added a favorite at Around the Corner
Nov 2, 2012
My Booter X1 is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 2, 2012
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