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The Editor
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The Incredible Shrinking Roxbury
Where's my neighborhood going? For years people have debated where the boundary between Roxbury and Jamaica Plain is over in the Mission Hill area, although most people settle on Heath Street as the line. Recently, however, I've noticed that more websites have either been listing Mission Hill...
It may very well go to the Rhode Island line--I would be surprised if it didn't. As I mentioned to Eeka I was only interested in what happened to Washington Street up to the Dedham border. After that it becomes the responsibility of the City Record and Dedham News-Letter.
How Many Washington Streets Do We Need?
Adam Gaffin asks how many Washington Streets there are in Boston. I've written previously about the Washington Street which extends from downtown to the Boston boundary with Dedham. According to the 1910 List of Streets (one of the coolest Boston reference books) there have been at least twent...
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