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Thanks for posting these! It's so exciting to take part in a whole. I am amazed by the numbers and the care that is obviously being taken by everyone.
Rock on
Thank you Jan, Lin, Deb and Allison. 96! Thank you Mary, Kristin, Robyn and Sandra (we got another little feather !) 139! Thank you Peggy, Suzanna, Jeannie and Joan. 168! In this difficult time when I cannot stitch a stitch, nice to have all of you stitching for me. Thanks for the comm...
You are very brave to take on such a project. Have no fear, you will do them justice. It could hardly be otherwise. The amount of care you have taken in beginning proves that.
A beginning ceremony. alternative audio link if you see no player And look what rolled in today, they are gathering no moss. 9 stones from Cheryl. and 2 more from Vanessa.. That makes 25! is now following jude
May 8, 2012 is now following The Typepad Team
May 4, 2012
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