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Branden Fitelson
Recent Activity
Please add my name: Branden Fitelson, Rutgers University.
The next step to support academic freedom in the Salaita case
What say you, philosophers? Corey Robin proposes we write to Illinois to say we won't visit their campus until Salaita is reinstated. If you're willing to co-sign the following please email me at [email protected], PM me on FB, or comment below. "Dear Chancellor Wise: we the undersigned will not v...
This is a re-post of what I had posted on Jason's Facebook thread.
I think there is a deeper (and more pressing) problem for philosophers (and researchers in the humanities more generally). There is increasing pressure on humanities researchers to obtain and rely upon "soft money" (note: this problem may be somewhat less pressing at sufficiently well endowed and Humanities-generous private schools). It is partly for this reason that Templeton (and other funding agencies) have been able to increase their grip on researchers in the humanities (and, to some extent, on their research agendas). It would be nice if we could address this deeper problem. Otherwise, I fear that it will just be a matter of time until we all (except perhaps those of us fortunate enough to work at sufficiently wealthy and Humanities-generous institutions) face potential problems of the sort Jason has in mind.
Templeton Funding, Redux
We have touched on the topic of Templeton's now extensive funding of philosophy-related projects before, but over the weekend, Jason Stanley (Rutgers, moving to Yale) started a lively discussion on Facebook with this comment, which he gave me permission to repost here: Because of Templeton, we ...
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Mar 27, 2012
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