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Oh yeah, anonymous? Read this story about Calorie Reduction Theory: Money quote: “In terms of cardiovascular diseases — the No. 1 cause of death; 4 out of 10 people die of it in the U.S. and Europe — we know that they will not die of cardiovascular death." The dr. here was referring to people following a calorie reduction diet. According to the article, people on the diet ate all kinds of foods, even hot dogs and hamburgers, but were insulated from heart disease. It's not the type of calories you eat, but the amount.
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Thanks for the response. I disagree though. First of all, I'm not addressing this on legal grounds, but on pr grounds. I'm sure they're sticking to this line about Transocean to limit their legal liability, but to the general public, it just looks like they're scapegoating. If you're in BP's position and you are in a business where disasters like this can happen, then the onus is on you to find a responsible contractor and if that contractor screws up, you should take full responsibility, again, not from a legal perspective, but from a pr perspective.
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I think they need to take it to the next level, like have a whole town do it or something. I also wonder what would happen if someone got hurt during one of these.
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Mar 15, 2010
I just noticed that the old boxes were 1 lb, but the new ones are 11.5 oz. Package shrink!
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Ferngully rocks by the way.
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Thanks for clearing that up.
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On what planet is Feb. 14 "just a week away"?
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