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Brandoctor is the first specialized branding agency in Croatia. Welcome to Brandoctor blogging world! For more information visit
Interests: branding, design, strategic planning, advertising
Recent Activity
A sponsorship that could taste better
by: Jelena Mezga, brand implementor Everyone knows what MasterChef is, a TV reality show on cooking open to amateurs who are good cooks. The second season just started. I adore watching these kinds of shows where I can learn and apply the cooking secrets in my own kitchen. But the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
As simple as that
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant There is an ad for Tropicana that amazed me with its simplicity. The copy, the images together evoked real emotions of awe. Naturally, this isn’t what the real orange growers experience is like, but that is not relevant now. The copy... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
Choosing the right brand ambassador
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant Driving through the streets of Zagreb this summer, there was one face smiling from the billboards that you just couldn’t miss - the face of the actress Doris Pincic. Doris became very popular by portraying Lara, a leading female character in Croatia’s most popular soap... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
It's between you and the ad
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant The term intertextuality introduced by Julia Kristeva referred to texts that refer to other texts. By understanding the point of reference or what the text you are reading is referring to, the reader understands the text better. Intertextuality is not just... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
Back to basics
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant It’s amazing to see how much money certain brands invest in promotion and advertising, and yet they seem to fail at the most basic encounter with the consumer. You can see it happening almost every day. Telecommunication companies with inspiring and costly TV commercials airing... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
Rebranding of GRAWE Hrvatska
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant What is the unalienable right of any man? You can imprison a man but you can’t imprison his mind, his thinking and you can’t stop a man from dreaming. There is something incredibly inspiring about the fact that even when you... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
Diesel and me
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant It’s so funny to see how many people are irritated with the word brand. But that’s not what I will write about. I want to tell you how great Diesel is (especially the one in Zagreb). When I look at their... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
Symbolism in the Chrysler ads
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant Movere is the Latin word meaning to move and both emotion and motivation were derived from the same verb. Combine them and you get emotional motivation. Emotional motivation is the word that would describe last year’s and this year’s Chrysler ads... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
Buying lifestyle rather than buying furniture
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant For the last several days on my way to work I’ve been driving by a certain billboard promoting a new furniture shop. The poor design of the billboard intrigued me so I looked for the brand on the Internet and found something even more saddening.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
Thanks for the comment Ivorium! We agree with you that age isn't as important as habits and wishes of a certain group. Generation C is a good example that combines some of the main habits of Gen Y and Gen Z. The main differentiation between the last two is that Gen Z was connected from the day one, while Gen Y didn't grow up on gadgets and social networking, but rather embraced them over time.
Why Generation Z just might be the next big thing
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant When defining target groups for the brands we develop, we often end up exploring habits of the currently two most significant groups: Generation X and Generation Y. Although these terms can mostly be related to American consumers and the US society, we found ...
Why Generation Z just might be the next big thing
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant When defining target groups for the brands we develop, we often end up exploring habits of the currently two most significant groups: Generation X and Generation Y. Although these terms can mostly be related to American consumers and the US society, we found some points... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2012 at Brandoctor's blog
Guinness Storehouse - Good things do come to those who wait
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant A strange thing caught my attention the other day while I was having breakfast in my kitchen. Right there on my fridge, among numerous magnets from various cities from across the world, was a single magnet with a brand name on it. It stood out... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
Thank you, Steve!
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant Thank you Steve for making our lives simpler. Your genius and perfectionism has simplified our lives. The proof that your brands are simple - is my three year old who uses the iPhone without a problem. When my son has nothing... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
How to sell the brand to your employees
by: Jelena Mezga, brand implementor “People are your company’s most valuable asset”. How many times have you heard this sentence before? I bet too many. Hearing it time after time, made me wonder – do brand owners really find this true? Do they invest in their employees and treat them... Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
Naming a baby, a pet or a brand
by: Maja Benčić, naming consultant & copywriter I suppose most of you have encountered naming in your everyday life, whether it was picking a name for a pet or a baby. However, naming a company, a product or a service, differs greatly from naming your dog. Firstly, when choosing a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
MIB Pivac – Branding lessons from Vrgorac
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant I love analyzing Croatian brands - what they stand for, how they differentiate from their competition, how they communicate and interact with their consumers. I always love to see when Croatian brands do well - when they communicate their values consistently or when they try... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
More than a slogan
by: Maja Benčić, naming consultant & copywriter Here are some Croatian examples of “more than” slogans I have heard lately: “More than a game.” (a lottery company) “More than movement.” (a gas station) “Simply more.” (a daily newspaper) “More than a comfortable flight.” (an airline) “More than a door.” (a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
2 – Not flying together to the final destination
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant There is an interesting Croatian website called It sells airplane tickets, but it is mostly known for its guerrilla marketing efforts and for using the most unusual places to promote their web site. For example, their logo can be found clearly printed over a... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
You are all superstars!
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant I have never been a fan of Lady Gaga nor have I ever truly understood all the hustle revolving around her phenomenon. I have been skeptical about her provocative appearance and the so-called controversy she’s been causing. For example, she put on a couple of... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
Creativity Unleashed
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant Take on the challenge of creating something wonderful and don't step down when the onslaught of client's criticism comes out. That is what I tell myself to pep myself up, but usually as all the other agency people I step down... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
Thinking out of the shoe box
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant I've been admiring a certain brand for a couple of months now. Not only is it inspiring, but it is also a perfect example how simple and sincere vision can bring major success. It used to be called, bit luckily enough they changed the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
Uplifting brands
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant People are bored. Everyone wants inspiration, goodness, emotional contact and uplifting brands. And when? When they least expect it. If I were a CEO of a huge company, I would focus on guerrilla marketing and goodwill campaigns. Let's stop buying media... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
How about trying harder?
by: Petra Despot, brand consultant When it comes to studying brand classics, there are several great branding cases that appear on regular basis. Whether you are reading a book about brand management or browsing through branding blogs, you will probably run into Volkswagen, Nike or Virgin examples at some point.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
Brands are emotional signatures
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant Nike bought Converse in 2003 and filled up Nike’s portfolio perfectly. All Stars are the lifestyle shoes, as opposed to the Just do it shoes, or shoes that make you move and attain personal athletic goals. Nike people were wise and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2011 at Brandoctor's blog
Thank you Thomas. Without emotions, brands can't survive, especially in the minds and hearts of consumers.
The first ingredient: Relevant emotional associations
by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant Relevant emotional associations make the first ingredient that creates your brand story. For a brand to prosper you have to ensure that it has the right weapons in the form of emotions. Healthy can be funny, too! A brand of nuts, pulse...
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