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Brandon Musso
Scranton, PA
Philliedelphia Contributor
Recent Activity
Embed from Getty Images It’s been a rollercoaster of a season for the Phillies so far but they currently find themselves in a playoff spot with just a few weeks remaining in the regular season. As they head into a very important stretch, the Sports Talk Philly team and I... Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images After many weeks of a nasty public negotiation between the MLB and the MLBPA, summer camp has finally opened all across the MLB and a 60-game season is tentatively slated to begin at the end of July. The negotiations, mostly centered on money, left a bad... Continue reading
The MLB’s Winter Meetings are upon us as baseball executives, agents, players, media members, and hopeful job seekers will all flock to San Diego on Monday for the start of this year’s edition of the meetings. Unfortunately, what’s supposed to be Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Brandon Musso, Sports Talk Philly Staff Writer Its really not much of secret anymore: the Phillies need starting pitching. The front office went into the season feeling very confident with the starting rotation they already had. Despite a fairly strong market for starting pitchers, GM... Continue reading
Pitching has been a hot button issue for the 2019 Phillies. The new look offense has shown that it could be a force to be reckoned with. However, it takes more than just offense to be a serious contender. Good pitching is just as important but does this team have it? Continue reading
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Jan 31, 2019