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The Startup podcast has been great. It would be great to hear others in this vein. The concept of an audio documentary following the trials and tribulations of any startup is fascinating to me. Thanks for posting.
The most valuable free education available
In a world dominated by social media and video, it seems incredible to me that, separate from direct interactions with people, my greatest daily educational source is recorded audio. Or more affectionately termed, “Podcasts.” Think, on-demand radio programming. Podcasting has been around for...
Interesting topic. I'm not all that familiar with Nootropics. Have you noticed *any* side effects at all from the types you've taken? Dehydration? etc.
Getting That Edge: Why “Limitess” Wasn’t So Far-Fetched
We all want an edge, want to be that much smarter, sharper, faster, whatever is relevant for ourselves. There are some fundamentals to being your best – getting sufficient sleep, putting good food into our systems, being physically active, doing work that is important to you – and frankly, too...
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Jul 10, 2015
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