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In the art photography world these days, buyers generally do want signed prints, but they like them signed on the back, not on the front. The use is for provenance and to attest to the vintage (date) of the printing, rather than for display. I used to sign prints in pencil on the front of my matte BW prints, but I've never liked the look of an ink signature on my luster inkjets. For a long time, I stopped signing on the front and just signed in pencil on the back. A large majority of my customers wanted their prints signed on the front, so much so that many of them would bring the prints back to me for signing, or ask that I visit their frame shop to sign before it was framed. I’ve since relented and sign everything on the front. I’m not at all famous and the “art world” explanation didn’t hold any weight with my customers.
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Nov 10, 2018