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Jason Brewer
Cincinnati, Ohio
Recent Activity
My #beer Cellar!
I haven't Posted a beer review on here for quite some time. I have changed jobs and been really busy with other things so this has kind of fallen to the side. But don't think I have quit! I have quite the back log coming. I wanted to show you what I had in my cellar, aging for a special time. Without Further ado, Here we go! These are my most special brews. The Three in the middle (Three Flloyds Dark Lord) are only brewed once a year and are hard to get. I traded for them! Stone vertical epic... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
Tough Choice: What #craftbeer would you chose?
I had to choose between these two beers. What would you pick? I think I'm going left! Pliny the Elder is one of the best IPAs in existence and I am blessed to have received a couple of them this past week! Until Next time, Cheers! Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
WTF? #craftbeer
Beer bottles sold by Scottish Brewery BrewDog Beer bottles sold by the Scottish Brewery BrewDog are seen inside the bodies of stuffed animals. The strongest and most expensive beer ever created soldout within hours Friday, BrewDog said as they courted controversy by packaging the bottles inside animal receptacles. (AFP/BrewDog/Dave Branfield) That's just nasty! Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
WTF? #craftbeer
Beer bottles sold by Scottish Brewery BrewDog Beer bottles sold by the Scottish Brewery BrewDog are seen inside the bodies of stuffed animals. The strongest and most expensive beer ever created soldout within hours Friday, BrewDog said as they courted controversy by packaging the bottles inside animal receptacles. (AFP/BrewDog/Dave Branfield) That's just nasty! Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
LeBenedict James is good for one thing, A new #craftbeer
Great Lakes. What A company. Lebron James. What a jerk. Check out what great lakes did to ease the pain of Lebron Leaving: CLEVELAND - UPDATE: According to the brewery's website, there will be more "Quitness" available on Saturday, starting at 11:30 a.m. while supplies last. A local brewery has sold out of its bitter beer created to help Clevelanders deal with LeBron's choice to leave Northeast Ohio. Great Lakes Brewing Company announced the release of its latest brew: “Quitness.” The dry hopped India Pale Ale has a notably bitter taste, symbolic of the forgettable ending of James’ era with... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
Solid Brew from a Solid Company: Thirsty Dog Labrador Lager
I Picked this up at my Local (Hyde Park Wine & Spirits) a little while ago. I just couldn't resist the cute dog on the front. (J/K. I have had some of their other beers before and they were pretty solid.) It is also an Ohio brewery, So I wanted to show them some love. On to the Review! Appearance: Nice golden color with a very thin white, lacey head. Smell: Smells of grain and some bready malts and just the faintest touch of hops. Taste: Very Crisp and smooth, NIce balance between the hops and the malts. ABV:6% Price:... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
Are #Beer Companies Stealing From Us? @flyingdog @dogfishbeer
I may have stumbled on to something today when looking at some of the beer that I received for graduation. Look at the following picture: Hmmm.... The beer on the left is Hop Ottin IPA from Anderson Valley. Middle one is Midas Touch from Dog Fish head. The right is Flying Dog IPA. Look where the red lines are! Flying Dog I expect more from you! I feel a little stolen from with how little some of these companies put in their beer. I spent $15.50 on a four pack of the one in the middle and I want all... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
World Cup of Beer!
Found this article on ESPN It is pretty funny and mixes two of my loves: beer and soccer! As 32 countries gather to compete for the World Cup, Page 2 thought we'd arrange a concurrent side tournament involving the month's other highly sought-after gold standard … beer. Drink up the action of Page 2's ongoing 2010 World Cup of Beer. Share your thoughts on our picks in the comments section below, especially if you feel there are any discrepancies brewing. Group B beer breakdown AmBev ARGENTINA Beer: Quilmes Established: 1888 Notes: Quilmes has a 75 percent to 80 percent market... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
A Great Birthday Present: Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
My birthday was just the other day (May 13) and my roommate Eric Roberto Picked me up a couple of grate brews, including this gem. This is my first Dogfush head. Hopefully, the first of many! Enough chatter, more beer! On to the Review! Appearance: Nice golden color and more clear than the picture leads on. Very thin head at the top that leaves a lace all the way through. Smell: A slight citrus smell accompanied by the awesome smell of hops. Can smell a little hint of malt Taste: Can taste the alcohol, but it is not over powering.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
Jason Brewer has shared their blog Brewer's Brews
Jun 5, 2010
Project is coming to a photo finish!
My project is almost done. I have some killer quotes and stats from my interviews. All I have to do now help them sell these stats on the website. The website is not a very good one. Unlike the MBA, MS-IS, MS-Marketing, etc, the MS-Accounting porgram's site offers no testimonials or stats. Here are an example of the type of Stats I want to see up there. Only 8.7% of jobs in America are with the Big Four. What do the others look for? - 70.5% of smaller firms surveyed prefer a student with a MS degree. - 84.6% of... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2010 at CAPSTONE!
100 Accountants? Oh boy
Drew and I had a discussion about what is going to give the Accountant Department the most value. We decided to create a survey and have me make phone calls to accounting firms in Ohio. Drew wants 100 surveys completed to compile the results and hand over to the accounting department. I am founding out that that number is more elusive than a jack-o-lope. The number of accountants I have called? Over 100. The number I have had answer my survey? 12. I even have connections at some of the firms around town and I cannot even get them to... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at CAPSTONE!
Creating a Phone Survey and Getting Results
After a capstone review meeting with Drew, We have decided to interview HR managers from local accounting firms to really find out what the value in getting the MS-Accounting degree is, if there is any. We came up with a set of questions that we felt could really get to the answers we wanted to deliver a value proposition for the accounting program. I have emailed Dr. Russ, the resident survey Guru, to make sure my questions are perfect. Here is my initial list of questions: Would a CPA with a Master's Degree be more desirable? Would a new CPA... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2010 at CAPSTONE!
When Your Emails Don't Get a Response...
I created my survey for the MS-Accounting about 2 weeks ago. I got the approval from Drew and Dr. Sale and we were ready to go. I met with Dr. Sale to discuss a possible incentive to give out to the respondents so that we can get the response rates up. My previous experiences with surveys have not yielded very good response rates. The meeting adjourned and Dr. Sale said he would think about what to do and get back to me. This is where it got interesting. It was 2 days later and I haven't heard anything from Dr.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2010 at CAPSTONE!
Two Anderson Valley Beers in Two Days Part One: Boont Amber Ale
I was walking through Hyde Park Wine & Spirits (go figure) and one of the employees there suggested I pick up one of these. I have never heard of the Brewery or the beer so I figured I would give it a shot. I can never say no to a beer I have not had before (unless it is a wheat beer). I am really glad I have this policy, as this beer turned out to be really, really good. On to the review! Appearance: Hazy reddish color with a nice white lacey head Smell: Kind of a toasted malt... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
Brad Cooper Guest Blogs: Dog Fish Head Raison d'Etre
(This is my Second ever guest blogger, Brad Cooper. We go way back to the 8th grade and our days playing soccer for the blue demons. This is posted word for word from him. My comments will be in these (). I showed the symbols because I cannot spell them! This beer's name btw means "Reason for being" in french.) I was riding my bike home from studio and stopped at the liquor store. I knew I would be eating homemade Chinese dumplings (thanks Amy) and I wanted something to drink that would be as delicious. The liquor store is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
A Bad Stone Beer? Is this Blasphemous?: Stone Pale Ale
My second beer while I was at the catskeller was a Stone Pale Ale. I picked this one out because it was a stone, and it was one of the cheaper selections that they had. I may know why, as the other stones were all about $1 more. I love stone brewery, but this one seems like it lacked something. Keep reading to find out what. On to the Review! Appearance: Pours a reddish copper with very little head. the body looks very carbonated, more so than most beers I have seen Aroma: I catch some hop smell and almost... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
Jason Brewer is now following Waqas Shah
Apr 15, 2010
Is it April Already?
Putting on my watch this morning after getting out of the shower and the date reads 12. I think to myself. March 12th. St. Patty's day is almost here! It took me a second or two to realize that it is April! My academic career is winding down way faster than I could imagine. It is the home stretch of my Master's degree. It seems surreal. I will be leaving UC after almost 5 years and two degrees and switching majors. (Not a day goes by that I am not thankful I switched to marketing from education.). But first, I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2010 at CAPSTONE!
Leinie Sampler Pack Strikes Again: Leinenkugel Red Lager
The story behind this sampler pack can be found here. This was purchased a couple months ago and is still in very good condition. I was excited to drink it as all the other Leinie's I have had have been delicious. On to the Review! Appearance: Amber, almost red color body with a small head that disapates quickly. Kind of like a dusty Cowbody boot (Copyright Jimmy Finnigan) Aroma: Very Light toasted malt smell. Little bit of caramel as well Taste: Very clean and crisp taste that goes down smooth. Nice sweet finish Price: $7 or $8 a 6-pack ABV:... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
The Magic 45
In order to graduate from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Business with an undergraduate degree, a student has to attain 180 credit hours. An accountant however, has to do a bit more to sit for the CPA exam. Everyone has to take an extra 45 hours in order to be able to take this exam. There is no requirement for these 45 hours. The student can take basket weaving. They can take another major like finance. They can also get a master’s degree in accounting. This is where I come in. My job is to figure out why students... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at CAPSTONE!
Speakeasy Lagers and Ales Strikes Again!: Double Daddy Imperial IPA
I went up to the corner market a while back to split a 6-pack with my friend Jimmy Finnigan. We settled on Magic Hat: Not Quite Pale Pale Ale (thats for another day and blog). As we were walking around I found a 4 pack of this beer. I previously had an awesome experience with a Speakeasy beer, and knew I had to take this one for a spin. If you see the world "imperial" infront of any type of beer (ale, stout, etc) it means that there is about double the amount of alcohol. It also provides for a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
One Capstone Down, One to Go
My capstone presentation went extremely well on Friday. Guy and I sat down and ran through my slides. I was getting nervous because I could tell if he already knew everything that I was telling him, or that he just really liked it. Once the presentation had ended, He said to me, "Jason, when we have presentations like this, we normally look for one key take away. I have three here." If it wasn't 730 in the morning I probably would have jumped for joy. All of my hard work and research paid off and I made a great presentation.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2010 at CAPSTONE!
3 Months Comes Down to One Day, Which is Postponed
Three months of research and preparation comes down to one day. ONE presentation that will make or break my entire project. I have been perfecting this for a couple of days non-stop. Period here, comma there. Picture a little to the right. I had gotten some excellent feedback from my classmate Kim, and made my presentation to our program director, Drew Boyd. It appeared everything was aligning to a perfect presentation on March 16th at 2 p.m. Key word in that sentence: appeared. As I was embedding some video into my slides, I got a phone call from my client.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at CAPSTONE!
I Heart Beer Part Three! The Love continues!
Wow, I didn't know that THIS many pictures. Again, Enjoy! Jimmy Finnigan wins the beer naming contest with sepia sunrise! Stay tunned for the next one! Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at Brewer's Brews
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