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Brian Shifflett
Recent Activity
Well Dad I also watched with amusement as these "candidates" tried to convince the American people that they are worthy of election as PRESIDENT !!! It really is sad to think that one of them actually has a good chance of winning that title, I was more coherent during my last trip to Sin City and I don't remember 1/2 off it. Anyways I am happy that you are doing this blog, It gives me something to read every day. Keep up the good work ... talk to you soon
Las Vegas Smackdown
Believe me, I'd really rather get off this politics thing and write about something else, but the Republicans had yet another debate last night, an event which constituted two of the most dispiriting hours in memory. If any foreign leaders happened to be watching last night's fracas, they must h...
Brian Shifflett is now following Jack Shifflett
Oct 20, 2011
Brian Shifflett is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 20, 2011
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