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Bridget von Hammersmark
Beautiful Germany
World renowned German actress, German beauty and secret spy for the Allies (scheisse, can I delete that part?)
Interests: spying, acting, Diane Kruger, Quentin Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds, ordering in restaurants, tripping the light fantastique!, smoking, drinking, Helen Of Troy, Wicker Park, my love, driving taxis,
Recent Activity
Ja! Happy Birthday my dear Ms Dreyfus.
Happy Birthday to my love, the famous Ben Chavtham. Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2012 at Paris Hilton
He wants to know no such thing, Shosanna! Go and eat your frogs legs and be quiet ;)
Ja, Paris, come and join the fun. And if you like to stay around for longer, I can get you into all the hottest premieres.
Bridget von Hammersmark added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 3, 2012
Ah Django, thank you mein love! Shosanna, you know fine well that it is not that kind of story! Go and kill some Nazis yourself and leave poor Emma and Mr Knightley alone to do something else. Christie and Sabrina taking a liking to me! That would be just all I need! Enough of that talk, Shosanna! What happened to poor little Maximillian's father during the war was an unfortunate incident and there is no need for the poor boy to know all the unfortunate details. He and his mother are simply poor people that I decided to take under my wing and help because it is good to help others.
Bridget von Hammersmark added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jun 12, 2011
All intelligent and educated lesbians lack is a strong leader to unify them against their true enemy. You could be that leader, Ed!
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2011 on No title at Paris Hilton
Good day to you, Paris. I am happy to see that you and your sister got to spend some quality time on Nicky's birthday. I hope that you continue to surround yourself with quality friends and family who you can... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2011 at Paris Hilton
I hope everyone has a great day. Today my godson, little Maximillian, is being brought round for a visit. I know I shall spoil him terribly as he is such a little darling. I felt so sorry for the poor... Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Invitation To Dorsia Paris, my dear, Do you find that being in love Or being a romantic, Is very much like an Invitation to Dorsia? Does a romantic heart Feel more of a thrill, Is it beaten by more of... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Thank you, my love.
Paris Reminds Me Of My Love Paris reminds me of my love, He too likes to be kind to others, He too would want to make someone Feel special, appreciated and adored, Like my love, Paris would hate To see... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Thank you :) That is exactly the kind of real information that they never tell tourists in guide books and helps me to plan accordingly.
Iowa, is one part of the world that my duties have not taken me to. What are the restaurants like there?
Hello my lovelies! Taking a break from Cannes - don't ask! At least the food and scenery is nice. Caught the premiere of Ninja Death Moon, which I'm sure Shosanna will love as much as Django did. I fell asleep... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Bridget von Hammersmark is now following Ed_the_honest
May 18, 2011
I am sure that no one would dream of having fun until you've had your coffee, Ed. If you ever have occassion to visit the UK, I've been told to avoid Morrison's own make of coffee as it is apparently "bleurgh!"
Such a lovely day outside, Paris. I hope you are not stuck indoors on such a wunderbar day. Our little roleplaying group had our latest Warhammer session on Friday. Very exciting with a celebrity guest villain and everything! I'm sure... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Bridget von Hammersmark is now following Account Deleted
Apr 2, 2011
Bridget von Hammersmark is now following Account Deleted
Apr 2, 2011
Bridget von Hammersmark is now following Account Deleted
Apr 2, 2011
Bridget von Hammersmark is now following Account Deleted
Apr 2, 2011
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Apr 2, 2011
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Apr 2, 2011