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My dream home would have more than 2 bedrooms. That's a gorgeous house, though. Wish I could win it, leave all *this*, and go live there!
"Two Miles From My Dream House?" Yep. HGTV's Green House.
(In other words, ENTER THIS SWEEPSTAKES and come live by me so I can come over and make cookies in your kitchen and we can gossip.) Do you remember how I used to write how I lived "Two Miles From My Dream House?" It appears now that I do. I had no idea. Look, it's MM in a "Tower" office,...
Ok, so 59% were successful, as defined by losing at least 50% of their excess weight. That means that 41%, not an inconsiderable number, didn't even lose half of their excess weight?! Those results SUCK, frankly. They are Nowhere. Near. Good. Enough.
60% of Bariatric Patients Keep At Least 50% of Weight Off.
A new study shows somewhat murky success rates, that we probably already are aware of -- and that problem behaviors are likely to continue. 60% of Bariatric Patients Keep Weight Off. Nearly 60% of bariatric surgery patients are successful at long-term weight loss according to a new study fro...
You know, that just pisses me off beyond all measure that veterans aren't allowed to share at support meetings. Hello? Aren't people supposed to know what they're getting into?
However, it pisses me off in equal measure when I run into a preop who refuses to hear what I'm saying (even, no, especially when I'm being tactful), giving me the equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and singing "la la la, I'll be successful no matter the odds stacked against me because I'm me and special and your odds won't apply, la la la." They're the ones that make me feel all mean and grinchy inside, hunching my shoulders and thinking bitterly "You just wait, my pretty, you just wait."
And then there's me, who's still having a pretty magical experience at nearly 4 years postop. I love sharing my experience and telling the world about the DS, but jeebis, the noobs who believe every lie that their non-DS-doing surgeon spouts and who preach those lies like gospel themselves are gaddamn annoying.
I need to learn the whole chat thing. Truly.
Lowered Expectations
I started a post but ... wandered off to clean house. Now I am back, because my blood sugar tanked. G'morning! I recently started a Facebook group - the Bariatric Bad Girls Club (non discriminatory - there are boys and a couple of surgeons!) and we have had a couple of totally non-scheduled...
Seriously, if I find these? I'll try them. They look tasty, and I haz appetite I'd like to suppress sometimes.
Truffulls by FullBar
I know you're already over there making faces, BUT, not everybody has a bypass, you know. And, some of us with The Appetite could use a little somethin' that is chocolate now and then, and if it has protein and fiber? Sign us up. I got a sample of Truffulls from Dr. Snyders' FullBar line today...
Not only are they coming, but I'm the Cookie Pimp! My daughter's selling them...
Look out ... they're coming!
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