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Interests: music, travel, knitting, spinning, dyeing, weaving, movies, reading, photography, drawing, and gardening., art in general
Recent Activity
Brooke Sinnes is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
What beautiful yarn!
1 reply
Beautiful fabrics!
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2009 on Soulemama Sponsor ~ ALEWIVES FABRICS ~ at SouleMama
1 reply
I absolutely love their drawings! So cute!
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2009 on SouleMama Sponsor :: Wee Gallery at SouleMama
1 reply
So cute!
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2009 on SouleMama Sponsor :: Beebee Mod at SouleMama
1 reply
I am very impressed with the quality of your handspun. My next goal is to spin and knit a sweater for myself. I don't think the yarn will be quite a consistant as yours is but the loop trick is a good one for a quick check. Thank you for passing it along!
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2005 on Pressing on at Purlwise