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Bruce Jackson
Recent Activity
WOW! I guess I should not be shocked that people can be so ignorant of the meaning of a basic American document, but WOW! There is so MUCH I could say, but I think I will leave Mr. Goldblatt with just one little factoid. Well regulated did not mean controlled as in limiting the ability to have. Well regulated means, in this instance, an ability to use the firearm accurately. So one could say that his letter is not well regulated.
Regulate gun use
People with guns kill people in academic institutions like Columbine and Virginia Tech, in Kansas City and Tucson, in our national parks, our shopping malls and in our homes. Many are smart enough to see through the fog of the National Rifle Association. Many understand that the Second Amendmen...
Bruce Jackson is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 26, 2012
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