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Bruce Krueger
Recent Activity
Marina was my goddaughter. I'm so web-afflicted I didn't think of googling her until tonight. The essay and the comments are very touching.
I've known few people who loved life like Marina. I know I never liked it as much as she did, and certainly a lot less since she's been gone. But for these memories written here, I do like it more.
Peace, and thanks to you all.
Googling Marina
I Googled my friend Marina Lakhman today. Chervokas and I were just talking about her. Marina would be about 30 if she were still alive. She died more than four years ago from complications related to the treatment of her leukemia. Marina's Google trail is growing faint, and I find it very sad. T...
Bruce Krueger is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 22, 2009
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