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Brynne Cochran
Recent Activity
As a student lucky enough to have a social media course offering, no internship could introduce the incredible variety of types of social media and how to best take advantage of each and in combination with each other to further your organizational goals. Everything from social networking to audio and video-casting to social bookmarking counts as social media.
Without Classes for Social Media, Students Seek Internships,
As a Founding Fellow of the Society for New Communications Research, I attended the 2011 SNCR board meeting here in Cambridge Massachusetts; we had a great dinner at a local restaurant in Harvard square. As part of the board meeting all of the Fellows were asked to give our opinion on trends in ...
Obviously some of these commercials were serious weak sauce, but think of it this way: they were bad enough for people to start talking about. I foresee this BlackFriday/CyberMonday event prompting TV commercials from advertisers on the scale of Super Bowl Sunday. The operative part of this advertising event is that commercials get posted to YouTube where curious viewers watch online for free, repeatedly and endlessly.
The Best & Worst Marketing From BlackFriday + CyberMonday
The fact that most retailers use the term "doorbuster" to describe their best deals from this weekend should tell you everything you need to know about the frenzied few days of retail activity that traditionally follows Thanksgiving day in America. Despite futile protests from lots of unfortunat...
Brynne Cochran is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 5, 2011
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