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excellent, i was after some useful for for my upcoming science paper, how does each component link to another? owner of - kinetic energy
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2012 on The Science of Systems 4 at Question Everything
very useful info for my upcoming paper on structures owner of-
i believe its a lot more environmentally friendly then constantly burning fossil fuels, the amount of o2 it generates is 10x more than what wind turbines will.
let not forget about kinetic energy, this determines how fast the car travels and the impact velocity it has. owner of -
The time difference between particles and light is extremely marginal (60 nanoseconds), what benefits would we get from this minimal amount of time and research? owner of -
i find it frustrating trying to get published articles also, im on my final year at university and currently finishing my 10,000 word disertation on kinetic energy, it takes time and a load of research to get everything right, im hoping it will eventually end up published in the library as resource material. owner of -
do you have demonstrations of your work you have discovered? it would be interesting to see the results. owner of -
just downloaded thanks, going to be a useful tool on my upcoming physics paper.
that npower peg is a great idea, i always thought there should be some kind of charging device for when you walk around, but i can imagine it might be a bit pricey.
brilliant tutorial, the vid helped a lot aswell for feet position -
Toggle Commented Aug 9, 2010 on How to Varial Kickflip at adsensewizard's blog
Buddythomas is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 8, 2010