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excellent, i was after some useful for for my upcoming science paper, how does each component link to another?
owner of - kinetic energy
The Science of Systems 4
Systems Science 4 — Energy Flow, Emergence, and Evolution In the last post in this series, I introduced the notion of organization as a fundamental concept in systems science. A key question in science in general and in systems science in particular is where does organization come from? How do...
very useful info for my upcoming paper on structures
owner of-
The Facets of Structure Elucidation
I would like to begin the new year with a weblog that summarizes the components of an elucidation process. Each component, shown as a Venn-like diagram below, can blend in with the next until a conclusion is reached. The goal for the elucidator is to exhaust all aspects of each possible componen...
i believe its a lot more environmentally friendly then constantly burning fossil fuels, the amount of o2 it generates is 10x more than what wind turbines will.
Michael Trebilcock - "Wind power is a complete disaster"
This commentary was first published in the Financial Post on April 9, 2009. There is no evidence that industrial wind power is likely to have a significant impact on carbon emissions. The European experience is instructive. Denmark, the world's most wind-intensive nation, with more than 6,000 tu...
let not forget about kinetic energy, this determines how fast the car travels and the impact velocity it has. owner of -
Energy needed by a vehicle (Part 1)
How much energy does a vehicle use and why? A vehicle (your car) uses an enormous amount of energy to get us and our stuff around. Some seem to be confused about what those energy requirements are, or how that energy is used. So I thought I would try to clear the air on that subject. I will...
The time difference between particles and light is extremely marginal (60 nanoseconds), what benefits would we get from this minimal amount of time and research?
owner of -
(GENEVA) — A startling find at one of the world's foremost laboratories that a subatomic particle seemed to move faster than the speed of light has scientists around the world rethinking Albert Einstein and one of the foundations of physics. Now they are planning to put the finding — and by ex...
i find it frustrating trying to get published articles also, im on my final year at university and currently finishing my 10,000 word disertation on kinetic energy, it takes time and a load of research to get everything right, im hoping it will eventually end up published in the library as resource material.
owner of -
Publishing Practices: Why not do as the physicists do?
Anyone who has experience publishing in philosophy knows how frustrating it can be. It can take several months for a journal to come to a decision (even at journals that generally have a good reputation for quick turnaround times), and whether one gets reasonable or unreasonable (and sometimes ...
do you have demonstrations of your work you have discovered? it would be interesting to see the results.
owner of -
Loop Current Interaction with Eddies - Dick LaRosa
My fascination with the Loop Current (LC) in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) began when I believed it was possible to reduce hurricane intensity by reducing the area of the pool of warm water inside the loop. This would reduce the latent heat available to energize a hurricane. I thought that excess hyd...
just downloaded thanks, going to be a useful tool on my upcoming physics paper.
Advanced space plasma physics online
Advanced space plasma physics book download Rudolf A. Treumann, Wolfgang Baumjohann Download Advanced space plasma physics Subject Plasma (Ionized gases) Space. J. book "Space Physics" is a. Lectures in Advanced Space Physics A thorough book including also some plasma astrophysics material....
that npower peg is a great idea, i always thought there should be some kind of charging device for when you walk around, but i can imagine it might be a bit pricey.
Top 5 Greener Gadgets to Look for in 2010
Last year saw a flurry of green innovation in consumer electronics, but that's nothing compared to what's in the pipeline for 2010. From chargers that harvest energy
brilliant tutorial, the vid helped a lot aswell for feet position -
How to Varial Kickflip
How to Varial Kickflip
Buddythomas is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 8, 2010
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