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Interests: At Busybody Studios, we live by two philosophies: make it affordable, and make it beautiful. We are proud to offer you the cost-effective way to create a beautiful memento, be it for yourself, for others, or for your business. Busybody Studios was founded in 2010 with the vision of revolutionizing weddings. The founders combined their love for photography and technology to become among Singapore's leading Instant Print Photography service provider. Busybody Studios has become a one-stop hub for your photography and instant print needs. Every year, thousands of people actively pose and get their photos taken for everything from special occasions like birthdays and weddings, to corporate events like store openings and dinner-and-dances. Based in Singapore, our crew is a passionate and innovative group devoted to capturing unforgettable memories while bringing a smile to people's faces.
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Can't wait to watch this movie this weekend! Heard so much about Hawkeye being the 'main character' for this movie!
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BusybodySG is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 26, 2015