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Northern Utah
First time Blog of a jammin food lover . . . makes for a good time, believe me!
Interests: gardening, using fresh local food to create divine palate teasing-pleasing temptations, reading, taste testing, reading, gardeners' markets, driving and taking photos, going barefoot.
Recent Activity
(Check out the 'heart' punch for the tag on my jammin utes.. this is beautiful work...) I just have to show some of these off!! Tenatious Lens photographer, Mark Benson photographed my jams at the Downtown Salt Lake Market on the last day of market and WOW, did he do... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2010 at jam it
So Far this year.... We have made Jammin Utes for fall... A wonderful layered jam that consists of (white) apples simmered in rum, cognac and hot damn, with a bunch of sordid (that's what Kenneth says for Assorted!) spices-I really wish I could write that on my label, darn UDAF!)... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at jam it
As soon as they take the Halloween Gear down, we all know what goes up next!!! CHRISTMAS!! And the holidays come upon us so quickly that our heads do in fact, spin (at least mine does!)This year why not make it easy on yourself and take a few steps now... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2010 at jam it
I do not have to type a lot with this.. I just want you to take a look at what is available to you at the local markets.. Some of this is my own produce ( I do heirloom tomatoes, heirloom peppers, squash and some other fun stuff) but some... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2010 at jam it
Reblogged Sep 30, 2010 at jam it
When I was a kid, I was NOT allowed in the kitchen. My mom did not let me near the stove, oven or any kind of cooking implement (shall we say!) I was allowed to make cookies a dozen times throughout my life (under VERY close supervision), but that was... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2010 at jam it
I got an email from a friend the other day and thinking back to a conversation with my daughter about voting when she turned eighteen; getting the answer "I live in Utah, my vote won't count." brought an entire new meaning to the words below. No matter where you live,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2010 at jam it
Ok, I admit I have a quick fuse on occasion... and I tend to brew and stew, release, then forget all about things... I have to stop this!!! I have been told a lot lately that this is not good for my health!! (especially at my ripe (new) old age!!... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at jam it
Ok.. I am taking a HUGE STEP.... Today we are signing a notice of intent.... Yep... Butcher's Bunches' "Jam It" will hopefully be born by December.... A Jam Bar, serving Jam by the scoop (so you can have as many flavors of jam as you want-small amounts too, or large)... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2010 at jam it
If you are interested in participating in a Jamming/Preserving class on October 5th in Logan (evening), let me know! We are almost full, but there is still some room. Cost $20, bring a jar, I am providing all the fruit and will be showing you how... If you bring more... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2010 at jam it
Ok.. I am not some fancy pastry chef from New York or a writer for a Magazine who knows a ton about food and eats so much they can write a food fantasy on a page. BUT, I can cook and make things taste pretty good... Here is the recipe... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2010 at jam it
Today is Locavore at Caputo's on 15th.... Have you ever been??? Do you know what a Locavore is??? For Caputo's it is a fulfillment of part of their mission statement-promote and support sustainability and the local movement. Below are a couple of definitions of the term "Locavore." Stop by sometime... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2010 at jam it
This is my garden at the beginning of the season... at least part of it.. and in the background you can see a couple of my apple trees.. There is nothing like the taste of a fresh picked apple off the tree.. Sweet, crisp, juicy and yummy... My cats even... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2010 at jam it
What is that gooey looking stuff, you may ask????? What are the brown spots??? Kind of gross? NOPE! This is a big pot of Pears gone "moutarde." And wowowowowowow... it is pretty yummy.. I was given a sample of Fig moutarde to try made by an overseas manufacturer and was... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2010 at jam it
I think that the internet will still be around (much more individualized/personalized though), however how it is accessed will be dramatically altered. Computers will be a thing of the past. I am seeing some sort of jump or flash drive that integrates with the brain that we will utilize, perhaps like a bluetooth headset? Voice command or sensory operated...Maybe even more advanced than that... We shall see and I cannot wait!
Wasatch Urban Table via Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 1, 2010 at jam it
So tonite is one of my Board meetings and I thought that I would make eveyone a treat....Smokey Chocolate Truffles.... I love the taste of Chocolate and Bacon... People where I live are NOT so into that... They think it is a litttle weird (I live in kind of a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2010 at jam it
This week Butcher's Bunches will have Leavies Jam, or as we call it for Caputo's on 15th, "Tallulah's Jammin!" The Assistant C.E.O. at Caputo's on 15th is named Tallulah, and she sure does know her stuff.. Especially how to pick a good jam... ;) They serve a great PBJ in... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2010 at jam it
Currently this is a NoName Jam ..... Hmmm have you been to the NoName in Park City???? Erin?? :) lol... Fresh Green River Cantaloupe, Peppermint Schnapps, Fresh Mint.. some pectin.... nothing else.. It is light, delicate, and yummy.. set a bit firm...but fun... I made this last night for the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2010 at jam it
Remove Butcher's Bunches NEW CONTEST! Would you like to win a CASE of Jam to give to your friends and family at Christmas??? This contest will be threefold-NO PURCHASE NECESSARY... Part one: Get your friends to "Like" Butcher's Bunches... (they must tell me who referred them so I can keep... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 31, 2010 at jam it
One of my favorite things to do is to make marmalades... They cheer me up with their bright colors, cheerful flavors and overall happiness in a jar! The flavor in a marmalade is so intense, I just LOVE it! I love big, bold flavors, none of this wimpy stuff for... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2010 at jam it
Ok.. First, get your kids and go pick some wonderful ripe cherries!! There is nothing better than LOCAL Fruit!! :) 10 lbs of Cherries (whole) and juice (it is a good Idea to freeze these first so juices will be created!) 1 Cup lemon Juice 1/2 tsp of Almond Immulsion... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2010 at jam it
Posted Aug 27, 2010 at jam it
Wow, the color, Super wow, the FLAVOR! This is one intense jam, and OMG I am telling you I would lick every bit off of the floor if I spilled it.. No lie... I would bathe in this jam... Ripe and fruity Black Raspberries simmered for FREAKING ever in Bogle... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2010 at jam it