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This genre is news to me. And not much is news to me. Was it a regional thing?
1 reply
Charm bracelets are memories on your wrist. I do believe you have inspired me to start wearing mine again. They make such a happy sound!
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I love old stationery, too. I even fall for the not-so-old-but-hilariously-tacky 1960s + 1970s stuff from the old Current Company in Colorado. Be on the lookout.
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That 1958 wrapping paper catalog is to die for. Do not ever give that up.
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I adore buttons. My favorites are mourning buttons, but if the buttons are old and cool, I'll collect them. BTW, people collect vintage mourning buttons, card specific types, and enter them in contests. I've scored a few of the old entry card collections. You have lovely buttons and haven't lost a one.
Toggle Commented Aug 25, 2015 on Collection Challenge #52 - Buttons at Magpie Ethel
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I have most of a set of the St. Patrick's Day tallies and they are the best!
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I'm still going through your delicious archive, but I must ask: Do you collect vintage Japanese pot metal pin trays + ashtrays? I adore them. I think my huge collection was stolen when I moved. Professional scalliwags!
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I am a sucker for this stuff. Most of the time back East, they would simply give it away!
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These are all precious, but Smokey the Bear has to be my very fave.
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Butwhatami is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 24, 2015