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This genre is news to me. And not much is news to me. Was it a regional thing?
Collection Challenge #258 - Dry Cleaner Advertising Pocket Hankies
I'm throwing an odd collection in the mix this week. If you have followed my blog for any amount of time you know I have a thing for vintage advertising and graphics...this collection falls into that category. Vintage pocket hankies were give-aways from dry cleaners. I found one quite awhile ago...
Charm bracelets are memories on your wrist. I do believe you have inspired me to start wearing mine again. They make such a happy sound!
Collection Challenge #249- Charm Bracelets
I have kept track of requests for challenges and a handful of gals have asked if I had a collection of charm bracelets (April, Janis, Lisa). I have my charm bracelet from my growing up years. The charms were mostly collected during travels during middle school. I don't see charm bracelets often...
I love old stationery, too. I even fall for the not-so-old-but-hilariously-tacky 1960s + 1970s stuff from the old Current Company in Colorado. Be on the lookout.
Collection Challenge #93 - Vintage Stationary and Boxes
Polly asked to see my collection of vintage stationary. I do collect old stationary and pick it up if the price is right. I am also totally smitten with the old boxes that the stationary came in and have an even bigger collection of those than the stationary...just the cute empty boxes. I lo...
That 1958 wrapping paper catalog is to die for. Do not ever give that up.
Collection Challenge #57 - Vintage Wrapping Paper
Renee from My Vintage Mending challenged me in this category ages ago. I was happy to dig out my collection and revisit all the charm with my stash. Quite a bit of the vintage wrapping paper that I find comes in boxes like these or in folded sheets (not the modern day rolls). The graphics on ...
I adore buttons. My favorites are mourning buttons, but if the buttons are old and cool, I'll collect them. BTW, people collect vintage mourning buttons, card specific types, and enter them in contests. I've scored a few of the old entry card collections.
You have lovely buttons and haven't lost a one.
Collection Challenge #52 - Buttons
Buttons are one of those items that alot of people collect. Becky challenged me to show my collection of them. I don't hunt for buttons at estate sales, but often will take a gander at them if they look like they may be interesting. I use buttons primarily for crafting. I am also attracted t...
I have most of a set of the St. Patrick's Day tallies and they are the best!
Collection Challenge #38 - Bridge Tally Cards
Liz challenged me to show my collection of bridge tally cards. I don't play bridge. My mother played bridge when I was a child, but that was years ago. Somehow I have acquired a collection of tally cards..I think it must be the graphic attraction. Unopened cards in original packages with flowe...
I'm still going through your delicious archive, but I must ask: Do you collect vintage Japanese pot metal pin trays + ashtrays? I adore them. I think my huge collection was stolen when I moved. Professional scalliwags!
Collection Challenge #36 - State Souvenirs
I have had a couple of requests to see if I collected State Souvenirs. I do. I primarily collect only for Oregon (where I live) and this collection lives in my son's room and is part of the theme of his room. You have to start with a souvenir glass. A lot of what I have decorated Ben's room w...
I am a sucker for this stuff. Most of the time back East, they would simply give it away!
Collection Challenge #241 - Vintage Office Supplies
I did a post way back on post #13 on vintage office supplies. My collection has grown since that post and I love rummaging through the contents of a desk at an estate sale. I especially love the old paper goods. Vintage baggage tags slightly yellowed with age. I love finding boxes of old stic...
These are all precious, but Smokey the Bear has to be my very fave.
Collection Challenge #264 - Vintage Child Hankies
I got three new vintage child themed hankies this past weekend at a digger sale. I have quite the collection of hankies and have shared them here (Valentine), here (dry cleaning pocket hankies) and here (my initial challenge on them, 4 years ago). I really do tend to pick up the sweet child them...
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Aug 24, 2015
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