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simon temple
Recent Activity
"Good English would be nice to gave as well." Quite correct. I gave always thought this too.
1 reply
My word, there are some sad people offering their views here. Their nasty little comments show the same sort of childish humour that Private Eye has but at least theirs sometimes reaches secondary school level. .
1 reply
My word, there are some sad people offering their views here. Their nasty little comments show the same sort of childish humour that Private Eye has but at least theirs sometimes reaches secondary school level.
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Actually, the more I think about it the more I think I'm on to a winner. There could be an election for leader of this coalition between Cameron and Brown to give it legitimacy.
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A lukewarm response. Such a coalition would give Cameron credibility in Scotland. I think this idea has legs.
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I think Cameron should try to get a coalition with Brown. That would really put Clegg's nose out of joint.
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I fancy another election. They are fun.
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simon temple is now following The Typepad Team
May 2, 2010