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Clever Chevy
Let me tell you, I started this pattern three years ago. Three! I have always had this love for Missoni. That chevron and all the colors. Like many other knitters, I thought that I could select a bunch of colors... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2018 at knit and tonic
Look Away!
If you're some sort of a knitting purist or something like that, then you might want to look away. Because I just did some major knitting surgery. I've been in a knitting funk, partially because I've spent the better part... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2018 at knit and tonic
The New Edition of Vogue Knitting: The Ultimate Knitting Book
Wow! I got my hands on the new edition of Vogue Knitting and "Wow" is pretty much my summation. When I first started knitting (again) in 2002 or so, I picked up the earlier edition because I'm one of those... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2018 at knit and tonic
No-Think Socks? I Think So!
My mom was a woman of short cuts. If there was a product out there labeled "instant," she'd be on it. Once, she painted the living room and kept changing the color because it wasn't quite right. Then, all the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2017 at knit and tonic
An Extra Skein is Like an Extra Seat at a Table
So I took two skeins of yarn with me for our week-long camping trip. I remember I was wondering if I should just take one, because I'd probably not really have time or the inclination to knit due to all... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2017 at knit and tonic
The Trouble with Bringing Yarn on Trips
So this is me getting ready to leave for a week-long camping trip, but not the peachy skin part--that's a filter (anything orange-y is my favorite, even if it is my skin). Next to me is a stack of socks,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2017 at knit and tonic
Oh, Frogging!
They call it "frogging" or "tinking," and sometimes "ripping out." I guess it really depends on what you're doing. If you've just found an error and have to go back a row or two, it's called "tinking," or "tinking back."... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2017 at knit and tonic
Makers Gonna Make (no matter what)
About five weeks ago I had carpal tunnel release surgery on my dominant, right hand. This was the type where they cut and open part of your wrist and palm--not the endoscopic type. The worst part of the surgery was... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2017 at knit and tonic
What a Relief: I Actually Do Like Knitting After All
Any serious sock knitter who takes themselves seriously, in all seriousness, has at least one pair on the needles, another pair whose second sock is knit halfway, and at least one new skein in the queue to be cast on.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2017 at knit and tonic
Fair Isle Vest, So Cal Style? Is that a Thing?
So, I'm going to the Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool festival for book signings in October. Yes, Rhinebeck. For those of you not-yet-annointed (that would be me as well), it is a sheep and wool festival held north of New York... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2016 at knit and tonic
Finally Woke Up from my Knitting Funk
I gotta admit, after finishing The All Around Stitch Dictionary, I was knitted out. Completely and utterly knitted out. I was so knitted out, that all I knit were socks and little squares. I knit, like, 200 or more squares... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2016 at knit and tonic
New Release!
I'm thrilled to announce the release of my new book The Knitting All Around Stitch Dictionary! Like the companion volume, The Up, Down, All-Around Stitch Dictionary that was released in 2014, it contains 150 base stitch patterns which I present... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2016 at knit and tonic
It Started with Just a Square
Yeah, I've made quilts and afghans before. A whole load of them. I crocheted a baby blanket for a friend but I think I didn't really know how to add new yarn or sew in ends in those days. All... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2016 at knit and tonic
Clara Parkes' "Knitlandia," and a Giveaway!
To me, traveling has always been rife with the unknown, but in a bad way. There was once a multi-week trip to Mexico on a Mexican train when I was about 10. Let’s just say, it was the trip from... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2016 at knit and tonic
I Can't Spare a Square
Knitting square after square--I think you pretty much know that's all I've been up to lately--has made me realize that the act of knitting, a mundane activity on the surface, has a lot more to it. Wait: Maybe I should... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2016 at knit and tonic
Yesterday, we went to the local surf shop because Girlfriend needed new bushings for her skateboard. When we were there, she picked up a maroon knit cap, plopped it on, and asked: "Can I get this one, mom?" Without skipping... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2016 at knit and tonic
Dog, Horse or Bird?
One thing that I can tell you for sure, is that from this point on, I will be weaving in my ends as I go. Most of the time--especially with garments--I never ever weave in as I knit. Why? A... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2016 at knit and tonic
Guilty Pleasures
All I have wanted to knit lately are socks. Socks socks socks and only socks. I forced myself to make a couple of hats lately, but since about November all I have wanted to knit are socks. I probably knit... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2016 at knit and tonic
Phantom Sock Syndrome, a New Paradigm
Picture it: One day before Thanksgiving and a potentially 20-hour round trip in a car facing me. I will be the passenger. What does any self-respecting knitter do? Pack a project or two, or three. Since I've been on a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2015 at knit and tonic
They're all I Want to Knit These Days
Ever since I completed my upcoming book, The Knitting All Around Stitch Dictionary (available for preorder!), I have been in a complete and total knitting funk. And we're talking a huge funk. A funk-a-dunk. A funkity-funk-funk. And it's not like... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2015 at knit and tonic
New Class on Creativebug!
I'm so happy to announce another class by me that is now available on Creativebug. This time, I show you how to make some cute pom pom socks. These make perfect gifs, the project is portable and they're super quick... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2015 at knit and tonic
Now I Can Focus on Knitting
Before I knit anything of substance, I sewed. My first project was a Hawaiian-print bikini out of regular cotton. It was a horrible idea, obviously, but when you're 12 and they haven't even begun to sell blow dryers at the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2015 at knit and tonic
Just Needed to Cleanse my Palate
There are times, when I've been knitting or designing or writing about knitting that I really, really need a break. A break from knitting. I don't know about you, but I can only take so much of the stuff. It... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2015 at knit and tonic
For the Love of Linen
Who doesn't love Linen Stitch? Oh Linen Stitch, how I love thee. Linen Stitch is a twofer. You know what I mean: You get two in one. First, you get knitting and B, you get weaving. Knitting and weaving, in... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2015 at knit and tonic
Pom Pon Etymology and it Happens to us all.
Well, they're finished. the one pair of "socks" out of many pair of socks SON (that would be Still on Needles). My guess is, I finished them first because they're little, short ones. Those are the easier ones. The little,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2015 at knit and tonic
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