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Charlie Farricielli
East Haven, ct
Our Healing Blog" I Am Cured
Interests: "Live to Love'! And Love To Live! "We carry within us the wonders we seek without us." -
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Creating Wellness Longevity with PEMF Therapy Creating long life with PEMF therapy is not a secret any more. From the very launch of man-kind, we’ve been on the quest for the fountain of youth as also staying alive longer. With Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, producing longevity and anti-aging becomes... Continue reading
The PEMF 8000 devices are extremely versatile – it’s designed to treat a broad range of conditions in the human body. While there are other PEMF machines available, they don’t come with the durability, reliability, effectiveness, and power as the PEMF8000. This powerhouse can work from around 1000 gauss to... Continue reading
PEMF Therapy to Reduce Inflammation in the Body Boost the Immune System Inflammation is an important physiological process, but prolonged inflammation can indicate health problems, and it can negatively affect your quality of life. There are several things you can do to reduce inflammation in the body, including PEMF therapy.... Continue reading
What are the best pulsed electromagnetic field therapy machine reviews! How do they work? The power of the magnet is one of the most basic powers in nature. We know that magnetism itself was an ingredient in the primordial soup from which the universe and our planet came forth. Magnetism... Continue reading
“PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to the geriatric. PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.“ Dr. Linus Pauling — Double Nobel Prize Winner Over 2,000 studies have proven the cellular and biological effects of PEMF: Cellular Effects of PEMF Improves Intercellular Fluid and... Continue reading
CORONAVIRUS – PEMF | PEMF8000 and Corvid-19 See below for some useful information regarding Corona virus. From member of the Stanford hospital board. This is their feedback for now on Corona virus: The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can one know if he/she... Continue reading
What are the health benefits of PEMF?Benefits of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)· Reduction of pain and inflammation.· Improve energy/circulation, blood/tissue oxygenation. Continue reading
PEMF! Pulsed Electromagnetic Science! The Victorious Preference for Shingles! PEMF! Help the body to heal itself! PEMF – A cutting edge technology for reducing or eliminating pain in minutes and promoting healing at the cellular level PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy) is a revolutionary technology that offers, with an enormous... Continue reading
Chronic pain is one of the most disabling and troublesome conditions that doctors are called upon to treat. Most of the existing options for treating Chronic Pain are generally ineffective in dealing with anything more than low moderate to mild pain and are associated with substantial risks of Opioid drug tolerance or side effects, addiction, and dependence. Continue reading
PEMF8000 offers PEMF therapy devices that have a wide variety of applicators and can help with various diseases, disorders, injuries, or diseases. Individuals can contact to find out how PEMF therapy can help with their particular needs. Continue reading
Studies have demonstrated that when PEMF therapy is regularly used, it changes the body’s stress responses by directly acting on major related components, such as the endocrine and nervous systems, along with the cells or organs of the body.In addition, PEMFs can make the body less reactive to extended episodes of stress. Transcranial PEMF was approved by the FDA in 2011 for treating severe, drug-resistant depression. Continue reading
PEMF Therapy! The new medicine of the Future! For a few years now, I have been researching PEMF and how to incorporate it into my natural healing practice. With the myriad of different systems available, I wanted to ensure I chose a PEMF system that was robust, effective and made... Continue reading
PEMF8000 | Breakthrough PEMF Device Now Available | PEMF 8000 Review | Voted Best PEMF The PEMF8000, already praised by chiropractors, wellness clinics and private households as the #1 PEMF device, can be yours to enjoy: take the first step by contacting us today at (1-888-PEMF8000) for a discussion that... Continue reading
"Drug Free Pain Relief-PEMF 8000 Therapy, Increases oxygen in blood- and allows for faster recovery and far less inflammation” Since the cellular reaction takes place in every body, magnetic fields are not condition specific. As a result, PEMF therapy can be used to assist with the majority of conditions. In... Continue reading
Since the cellular reaction takes place in every body, magnetic fields are not condition specific. As a result, PEMF therapy can be used to assist with the majority of conditions. In fact, clinical studies have demonstrated that PEMFs are capable of: Increasing circulation Decreasing inflammation Accelerating bone healing Enhancing muscle... Continue reading
"I feel Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy may be one the Greatest Discoveries in the History of Medicine." - Dr. David Williams, Alternatives for the Health Conscious Individual - (March 2004) What is PEMF? PEMF is PULSED Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy, a revolutionary technology which creates a safe, pulsing magnetic field, energizes the... Continue reading
You may be asking “what is PEMF therapy?” Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMFT), also called pulsed magnetic therapy, pulse magneto therapy, or PEMF, is a reparative technique most commonly used in the field of orthopedics for the treatment of non-union fractures, failed fusions, congenital and depression. In the case of... Continue reading
PEMF8000 (PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY) announces our newest member to our Board of Staff Doctors, Doctor Anthony Pacelli! Dr. Anthony Pacelli - Doctor of Chiropractic Dr. Anthony J. Pacelli is an energetic and enthusiastic advocate of the powerful natural healing benefits of Chiropractic, Quantum Neurology, Oriental Medicine, Nutrition, Exercise, Positive Thinking,... Continue reading
What are the best pulsed electromagnetic field therapy machine reviews! How to they work? The power of the magnet is one of the most basic powers in nature. We know that magnetism itself was an ingredient in the primordial soup from which the universe and our planet came forth. Magnetism... Continue reading
"Our Holiday Wishes" This is our Christmas wish to you: May you have Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your... Continue reading
"Lets Celebrate Appreciation" Gratitude! Dear Friends, and Family, This week, many of our staff gathered to share a simple message for the upcoming holiday: Thank you. Thank you for your support of PEMF Wellness Technology and our amazing PEMF8000 Devices! Thanks to you we had the most successful and amazing... Continue reading
Where to buy the most effective PEMF devices? Most Affordable? PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY Proudly Introduces PEMF8000 DELUXE All New! High Intensity! Most Affordable! Most Effective! PEMF8000 DELUXE MOBILE DEVICE Includes Our Newest PEMF8000 performing at 2.1 Tesla, 20,000 Gauss Device All Professional Accessories! Included! PEMF 8000 GEL LOOP PEMF 8000... Continue reading
PEMF Therapy Science-Backed Health Benefits To have healthy cells, you have to undergo an active, regular process – tune up your cells, which will slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. After all, as long as our cells are healthy, our bodies are healthy. Even if cell dysfunction... Continue reading
What is PEMF? | How does PEMF Work? | Understanding PEMF | What is a PEMF Device? What can PEMF do for me? Simple! Having healthy cells is not a passive process. Active, regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible, but also necessary to slow aging and reduce... Continue reading
You won't believe what we've been up to this month! HAPPY LABOR DAY! GOD BLESS AMERICA Experience the Future of Relief...P.E.M.F. Therapy "Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy" Introducing a revolutionary pain relief therapy... PEMF 8000 PEMF Therapy pulses a magnetic field into the body, creating an extraordinary healing effect. The results... Continue reading