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Lea Simpson
Recent Activity
so true sometimes...
Overheard in a bar: what marketing does
(Yes, that's me in the glass) Just back from a crazy ten day research trip of snowy New England which included a visit to this great bar in Boston, Drink Great line from one of the excellent bar staff when we enquired where they kept the booze: "Oh, we keep it locked away. We don't want thi...
Lolita / Nabukov
naff said
can i ship it in the US? ;-)
Lovely Rita Free To Careful Reader
A dude called Jamie from got in touch recently and said he would like you give one of you, the lovely and discerning readers of TIGS, an awesome piece of free furniture. [This is what does - they sell sweet designery furniture and accessories and that - like this ...
sounds lovely despite the description of the event being word soup for arty twats with marketing bent...
converted experiential time bus?
strategically chosen?
Michel Gondry Portraits and Moving Rabbit Holes
Over on the relatively recently revealed, the surreal visionary director will paint your portrait for you, from a photo, for $19.95. There is something very unlikely and awesome about this. And yet, you can see above, the site did send me a disturbing glimpse of myself in t...
Help pls: Mass-collaboration for good?
Just about to sign off final - FINAL - paperback proofs and wondered if anyone had any funky examples of organisations/platforms for good that I could include in a list? Thanks awfully
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