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caireen todd
Recent Activity
Hi Diana how are you? thanks for the comment on castle campbell - I love the interior of this castle, it is so pared back yet I can imagine living in it, Anta style! The thing about the views from each window means you get a different viewpoint each time, and I love the burns that run down the hillside there, with big boulders to climb on etc Have a great week! ps I LOVED walters package - maybe we should do a post on petswap gifts!! Murphy could send one to Paws and Magic, Walter to Murphy etc!! (he is in disgrace however, brought his first kill indoors yesterday a bird he would not let go of, very traumatic!!) Cx
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2010 on castle campbell at the patchwork dress
caireen todd is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
how funny!(Francesca) that little fox under 'L' is so cute! x
Toggle Commented May 12, 2009 on croatian abc at tiny happy
1 reply
you really have captured that feeling of the blossom in your embroidery - hope you have a good week! Cx
Toggle Commented May 11, 2009 on wind + petals at tiny happy
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