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Calli Rae
small-time writer big-time ideas
Interests: reading, writing, playing music, mothering, love. That's the side of me you'll see
Recent Activity
Do you use your bank's smartphone or cell phone app? Why or why not?
Since I have learned of the Author David Rhodes to be banned from a popular networking program (which allows many people to view our work for free), I have decided to bring my published work over to windows. It is connected to facebook, yet can be UNconnected if necessary in the event that I may be shut down as well.
Please don't lose the address; Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2010 at Calli Rae's blog
What is one thing in life your friends said you could/would never do, but you did it anyway?
As a traveler on a fresh and exciting A.A. journey of recovery, I
experienced a new found peace of mind and the horizon appeared clear
and bright, rather than obscure and dim. Reviewing my life to
discover where I had been at fault seemed to be such an arduous and
dangerous task. It was painful to pause and look backward. I was
afraid I might stumble! Couldn't I put the past out of my mind and
just live in my new golden present? I realized that those in the past
whom I had harmed stood between me and my desire to continue my
movement toward serenity. I had to ask for courage to face those
persons from my life who still lived in my conscience, to recognize and
deal with the guilt that their presence produced in me. I had to look at
the damage I had done, and become willing to make amends. Only
then could my journey of the spirit resume.
Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2010 at Calli Rae's blog
What is one thing in life your friends said you could/would never do, but you did it anyway?
The one thing in my past that most of my friends thought I would never do was to get sober, let alone, come up with a sobriety plan-rather-detox plan to help with beginning a new life of sobriety.
Ppl may think of me what they like, but the truth is that I got sober and documented my plan of detox so that I can help others. This was over 4 yrs ago, and while web surfing just recently I found that the plan I got patented/copyrighted was finally approved by the FDA, and is actually being used!
It is a non-suboxone, non-methadone, wean-down process that could be done in 1 week's time if the individual is sincere.
I am new to this blog site, and I will see how this goes. Then, later tonight I will post the actual Darvon method (however, I was later told that I could not use the commercial names of meds so now it's the 'Calli' method.
Many doctor's, pharmacists, and CCDC's have signed off on this for me to be able to put a patent on it, and, like I said, it's been approved for use by the FDA. THERE IS A WAY! ...Calli Rae (CC Benn) Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2010 at Calli Rae's blog
Calli Rae is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 11, 2010
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