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The LX100 is so good that you wouldn't believe it. These two galleries are pano (from 7 to 30 shots for each picture, average 12) entirely taken with a LX at 70 f/4, raw, converted in LR6. Quality is amazing, post processing creates no issues and ease of use with a pano head in the field is unbeatable. I used the full electronic shutter for these, bracketing 7 exposure (it's so fast that sometimes you don't even realize that the bracketing has completed). Then I simply choose the best exposed frame (so no HDR here) and processed. Online you can't see the details but the lens is so sharp that you could easily print 4 meters or even longer.
The Most Recommendable Camera
I ought to write a longform article, for ordinary normal regular non-enthusiast people, about how to pick a camera. For enthusiasts, it could double as an article about how to recommend a camera purchase to ordinary normal regular friends and relatives who ask us for advice. The only reason I'm...
Camagna is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 15, 2015
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