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my location varies quite a bit.....
I am different, to say the least.
Interests: Cooking, baking, watching too many cooking shows, more baking, talking food, eating, cycling, BBC America, good movies, overeating, reading, some more reading, laughing, artsy things, American and European history, Europe in general, my family and friends, Barnes and Noble, interesting vocabulary
Recent Activity
Ahh....what a life you lead! I too am a country lover......and gooseberry fool might just be one of the most tastiest sounding things I've ever heard of. Care to send me the recipe? My blog on typepad is called "Quite Frankly......". Check it out! Local produce is simply grand, I must say.
So this is my first ever attempt at blog writing......forgive me if I am sucking. Generally, this blog is going to be about whatever walks into my life - be it food, new books, random happenstances, and the like. Speaking of which............ Let me tell you a little bit about... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2010 at Quite frankly......
Hannah is now following Vintage Indie
Jul 11, 2010
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Jul 11, 2010
Hannah is now following Jo
Jul 11, 2010
Hannah is now following Pim
Jul 11, 2010
Hannah is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 11, 2010