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Heart-Shaped Rock Cottage
I'm on a fact finding mission until further notice...
Interests: All things French, the color pink, long drives, autumn in Colorado, intense movies and COKE!
Recent Activity
Mac has got to be one of the cutest kids on the planet. Seriously!!!
I got up early...
which means I am actually feeling kind of tired at 10pm...far from my usual night-person self. Today was the first day of the contract I have made with myself to be a more responsible person (I'll share more about that tomorrow). Since being responsible makes me tired I'm going to share Mac's ob...
Hi beautiful Connie... I have been on a long journey. And I am finally home. And I am sunshine and good things. I miss everyone. Working on a new blog for my new life.
I'll update soon.
Nesting Over Time
The bottom line... It's not the stuff. It's the people.
Heart-Shaped Rock Cottage is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 28, 2009
I am heartbroken for you. And so glad you have the best memories of such a beautiful fur friend. Sigh.
into that good night...
aspen bagley june 1993-may 11, 2009 goodbye to the dearest friend i ever had "I loved my friend He went away from me There's nothing more to say The poem ends, Soft as it began- I loved my friend." - Langston Hughes
No, it's an original that has been restored. It has an additional two
porches, but the shots I took were less than stellar. Plus, they had junk
on the porches. It was for sale for about a month last Dec. Cheap, cheap,
cheap. Neighborhood is not ideal, but the cutest house ever.
A pink cottage. In our little town. I think it's dreamy...
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