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I liked Nino's outfit too! Oh well...
I noticed that Nino was a bit quiet too, maybe because he doesn't feel the need to since the others do the snarky comments already? :P
20101028 Himitsu no Arashi-chan~
Mannequin 5 with Kanjani 8~ I love Yoko's comments now and then throughout the whole show, seems like Kazu is very quiet tonight, not as sharp as his usual style...can notice him spacing out at a certain part Basically I dont understand how they choose them I thought Kazu's better than Ryo's but...
Cam is now following Account Deleted
Oct 29, 2010
(okay so I just finished watching the whole clip :P)
Nino got exhausted!!! I could see him panting in between the matches! But he is really amazing!!! Especially when he was against the huge guy O.O
And how they resolved the last match was LOL.
I'm happy, though, that Nino won!!! ^_^
20101011 夜の笑っていいとも!Nino~
ちっちゃい! Petite size Kazu is so strong~ A must-watch, I waited so long watching this boring special just for this~ Worth all my wait ^_^ We have the Ohoku pair, Mizuno x Matsushima After Kazu's win, we have tweets from ohoku_movie and vs Arashi producer tweet from producer : Nino, congratulation...
omg! soooo cute!!!
(Actually I saw your tweet that Nino won, and I was waiting for someone to post it, and thank you for posting the video!!! <333)
Yay Nino winning!!!! <333
Ohoku twitter and Arashi producer are also very cute!!!
20101011 夜の笑っていいとも!Nino~
ちっちゃい! Petite size Kazu is so strong~ A must-watch, I waited so long watching this boring special just for this~ Worth all my wait ^_^ We have the Ohoku pair, Mizuno x Matsushima After Kazu's win, we have tweets from ohoku_movie and vs Arashi producer tweet from producer : Nino, congratulation...
Its only now that I got to watch it, so thank you!!! <3
I loved the Aimiya moments in VIP room and Nino is just so cute in the next segment ^_^
20100916 Himitsu no Arashi-chan~
Tonight's VIP room guest is Fukada Kyoko~ The puppies are so cute & the boys in love with them just makes them even cuter~ Aiba-chan's innocent smile & dai-suki just makes the day! Cho kawaii! He looks so embarassed~ Next segment is Shibasaki Kou (who is promoting Ohoku) So funny! Cos if she get...
Thank you very very much!!!
[Audio recording] Kokuritsu 20100903
Ok, this is the little gift that I was saying to share with everyone (thanks for following me) It is the full concert audio recording for 3rd day in Kokuritsu & the quality is quite good, minus the hysterical screaming when the boys were on the moving stage & I really had very noisy neighbours t...
Cam is now following Kiiroi Namida
Sep 8, 2010
Cam is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 8, 2010
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