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Candice Sandoval
California, USA
Interests: Isn't Zachary Quinto the only one to mention on here? Other then that some TV shows, music, travel, animals, etc.
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Banana split brownies! Sounds pretty good though I...
Banana split brownies! Sounds pretty good though I really don't like bananas all that much! Bye everyone! :D
I was never very interested in Star Trek until you.
spock. dvd extra features video -...
spock. dvd extra features video -
Doubt you saw my post I just joined this sight, but thought I would tell you here. You were the cutest warlock on Charmed. :D
VIDEO: Spock Extra Feature - TREK DVD
Candice Sandoval added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Nov 6, 2009
Candice Sandoval is now following Zachary Quinto
Nov 6, 2009
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