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Interests: Photography, scrapbooking, theater art's
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Have you watched any of the Dickens BBC movies? Some aren't great but I LOVE Little Dorritt (with Mathew Mcfaden from the new Pride and Prejudice) and Our Mutual Friend (With the actress from Pushing Daisy's) I think you would like them both. They are darker than Jane because Dickens just was that way but they both have great love stories and comment on society during that time. Also any of the Elizabeth Gaskell movies...Wives and Daughters, and North and South are both amazing, but I'm guessing you've seen those.
Kelli Crowe Jones's Diary: Week 20
I WILL Exercise 3 to 5 days a week - Am either power walking, juicing and on virtual kosher health bandwagon. Or. Eating bacon by the bag while curled up on the sofa, watching television. Take my vitamins - :( Read - Have re-read The Truth About Mr. Darcy. Have watched period f...
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