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The first observation I had was that the liberals have made it abundantly clear that they are not interested in a political settlement, in working within the system, to resolve matters. This was made clear when the Democrats in the state Senate bolted the state and the rallies commenced. via... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 20, 2011 at CC sends.
12K government employees in Wisconsin may lose their job because of the budget deficit via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 20, 2011 at CC sends.
The Education Bubble Is Fuel for Revolt via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 20, 2011 at CC sends.
Suffice it to say that the Union hacks and the Democrats -- but I repeat myself -- aren't math majors #wiunion #solidaritywi Consider the following data-points as backdrop to the public sector union skulduggery in Wisconsin: via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 19, 2011 at CC sends.
US Education: Show Us the Money! by Bill Walker Previously by Bill Walker: The Antisocial Network on Its Imperial Cruise via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 19, 2011 at CC sends.
The world has been watching the upheavals and protests shaking the Middle East these days, but it’s just possible that the disturbances in Madison, Wisconsin mark what will ultimately prove to be a bigger turning point in world history. via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 19, 2011 at CC sends.
I have been screamed at for 10 years. It’s my turn now. I am not going to scream back. But I refuse to allow anyone to dictate what I say or how I say it. I refuse to allow the same foul-mouthed, foul-spirited foul people who dumped on me to... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 17, 2011 at CC sends.
Weakness is Sown; Strength Rises Up Feb 15, 2011 Elizabeth Scalia The drama of Egypt's revolution and the ongoing story of that nation's transition to—it is hoped—a fair and democratic society, has rightly sucked out the oxygen that might have sustained a few other stories worthy of note. via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 15, 2011 at CC sends.
UPDATE: Reader C.J. Burch is unimpressed: “He’s promised so much and hasn’t delivered any of it. Not on Iraq or Afghanistan or Guantanamo not with the stimulus, not with any thing. And as the Unions begin to notice he can’t deliver ( and delivering what they need is a fiscal... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 15, 2011 at CC sends.
Think Progress is making Brad Friedman into a martyr by pretending that the Chamber of Commerce is targeting Friedman and his “family.” But what Think Progress isn’t telling you: the Chamber of Commerce was far more interested in Friedman’s business partner, convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin. via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 14, 2011 at CC sends.
As Hacked ChamberLeaks Emails Break, Left Scrambles to Hide Ties to Domestic Terrorist via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 14, 2011 at CC sends.
Democrats, from President Barack Obama on down, are trying to turn an evidence-free allegation into a major campaign theme, claiming that foreign corporations are "stealing our democracy" with secret, illegal contributions funneled through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It’s a claim with little basis in fact. via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 14, 2011 at CC sends.
2. From CNN: “Obama’s budget: A play for the center?” Let’s see, adds another trillion to the national debt, adds trillions more in tax increases and fails to address the very entitlements that are strangling the nation. If you mean the center of some alternative universe, then yes, CNN, you... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 14, 2011 at CC sends.
Host and Producer of many programs and series on public broadcastingHas received at least $20 million in taxpayer money from public broadcasting, but refuses to disclose his incomePresident of Schumann Center for Media & DemocracyPlayed key role in shaping socialist "Great Society" programs in President Lyndon B. Johnson's AdministrationAuthorized notorious... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 14, 2011 at CC sends.
In times to come, the period between the failed campaign of John Kerry and the Democratic control of the Congress, coupled with the beginning of the successful surge, should be known as “The Insane Years.” This was the era in which Guantanamo was a gulag, renditions were the stuff of... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 14, 2011 at CC sends.
Relo Expert: Top 10 Reasons Businesses Flee California via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 13, 2011 at CC sends.
Top 100 School Administrators Salaries and Pensions - Illinois 2007 via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 13, 2011 at CC sends.
To me, this stuff doesn’t even get into the conservative/liberal aspect of it; it’s much simpler than that. If there’s a requirement that your feet can never be more than a few inches apart from each other, you can’t walk. This progressive vision of super-duper-sameness ultimately has to rely on:... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 13, 2011 at CC sends.
IGTA: The IRS Pays $12 Billion/Year in Phony EITC Claims -- A 25% Error Rate The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration yesterday released Reduction Targets and Strategies Have Not Been Established to Reduce the Billions of Dollars in Improper Earned Income Tax Credit Payments Each Year (2011-40- via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 11, 2011 at CC sends.
There is hope, America. Not everyone in teh federal government has lost his sense. From the press release: “WASHINGTON – As House leaders examine ways to cut spending and address the ever growing budget deficits that have plagued Washington for years, U.S. Representatives Bill Posey (R-FL), Sandy Adams (R-FL) and... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 10, 2011 at CC sends.
Psychology and the Shrinking of America By Robin of Berkeley via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 8, 2011 at CC sends.
Social Scientist Discovers That Social Science Is Biased To The Left via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 8, 2011 at CC sends.
Social Scientist Sees Bias Within By JOHN TIERNEY Published: February 7, 2011 Recommend Twitter comments (118) via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 7, 2011 at CC sends.
It would appear that the NAACP is cool with blacks getting lynched, so long as the blacks getting lynched are conservatives The horrifying, racist and violent threats repeated ad nauseum at a progressive rally in Palm Springs, California have laid bare the rank hypocrisy of legacy media. via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 7, 2011 at CC sends.
#rsrh NAACP in awkward position. The Daily Caller simply has to understand the delicate situation that the NAACP finds itself in with regard to recent calls by the Left to lynch uppity black Supreme Court Justices (and their wives). via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 7, 2011 at CC sends.