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Shahrzad Arasteh
Baltimore-Washington Region ~Work Globally
Holistic career counselor and trainer, and author of Nourish Your Career. Specialize in Whole Life Exploration for Meaningful Work™
Recent Activity
Hutch and Friends
Posted Oct 4, 2019 at Laps for Cats
Static the Extraverted Kitty
Posted Feb 26, 2019 at Laps for Cats
Thank you so much for your kind comment, Gloria! Thanks, too, for your warm encouragement of me and my idea for creating Laps for Cats :-). I hope Gabby will find her forever home soon, too! She certainly deserves it, and her forever person/family will be so lucky to have her. Thank you again!
Miss Gabby!
The beautiful miss Gabby is a lovely, sweet grey and white cat who *loves* people without feeling the need to demand their attention all the time. She really prefers to be an only child; while she currently does share a room with a few other kitties, she does not appreciate having to do so and w...
Miss Gabby!
Posted Jan 18, 2019 at Laps for Cats
About Laps for Cats™
Welcome! I created this space to help cats who are currently interviewing potential pet parents find their very own laps (whether or not they'll actually make use of said lap :-). Most of the cats featured are guests of rescues such as the wonderful Rude Ranch Animal Rescue in Harwood,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2018 at Laps for Cats
She is great, Bill! Thanks for stopping by.
Nourish Your Career - Expert Interviews | Tammy Ditzel
Tammy Ditzel Interview Tammy Ditzel is a coach and trainer, and CEO of Inesse Consulting, LLC . She graciously joined me to share some of her best tips and approach to creating a thriving business that fits who you are and your life. Whether you have (or are thinking of starti...
Nourish Your Career - Expert Interviews | Tammy Ditzel
Posted Feb 2, 2015 at Nourish Your Career
Dear Dorlee,
Many thanks for your kind and thoughtful comment, sharing your experience with your three words for 2014 (I remember them!), and very kind words. I am delighted to hear reflecting on the wonderful progress you've made in all three areas has been a window to appreciating all you've accomplished and all the good things yet to come!
Thank you! I also appreciate your kind friendship and the wisdom and gentle spirit with which you enrich our community. You provide so much value and the resources you share are always focused on leveraging strengths and offering encouragement. Thank *you*!
Wishing You a Happy New Year
I hope winter's holidays have been a time of happiness, health, and meaningful connection for you and yours. As we look back on these moments, say goodbye to 2014 and prepare for the new year, what do your reflections offer? What are the moments you have been touched by, grown from, celebrated...
Thank you so much Rene, Jim, Wyatt and Spirit Jerry! That means so much (especially coming from you)! And the hugs are gratefully received.
Angels in Autumn
It's been two months since my sweet Calli crossed the Rainbow Bridge and as we say in Farsi, "her place is (very) empty." I am thankful to many family members, friends, and Calli's wonderful and caring veterinary team (both at CVCA Annapolis and South Arundel Veterinary) for your kindness and c...
Wishing You a Happy New Year
Posted Dec 31, 2014 at Nourish Your Career
Dear Kimberly and Leili joon, many thanks for your kindness. Hugs.
Angels in Autumn
It's been two months since my sweet Calli crossed the Rainbow Bridge and as we say in Farsi, "her place is (very) empty." I am thankful to many family members, friends, and Calli's wonderful and caring veterinary team (both at CVCA Annapolis and South Arundel Veterinary) for your kindness and c...
Angels in Autumn
Posted Dec 14, 2014 at Shahrzad's Garden
Autumn's Glory
I love fall! There are so many wonderful gifts nature shares with us during this season: vibrantly colored leaves kissing the sky and gracefully covering the ground, the crisp autumn air, scent of wood fire making us feel all cozy, gardens relaxing into the soft rays of sun and cool, gentle fall air, and the fun of watching cute squirrels look for a good hiding space to store their nuts. This is also a natural time of year to start (or start again) working on plans and dreams. I think it's partly due to the fact that school begins in... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2014 at Shahrzad's Garden
Dear Paula and Kam,
Thank you so much for your sweet words of comfort. Love and thanks to you both.
Sweet Calli
(Published on October 12, 2014) Yesterday, my sweet Calli took her last breath as I held her. Her latest generous gift to me was going on her own just a few minutes before our wonderful vet, Dr. Myers, arrived at the house. She (and her brother, Bell) will always be in my heart. For the last y...
Sweet Calli
Posted Oct 12, 2014 at Shahrzad's Garden
Nourish Your Career - Expert Interviews | Stevie Puckett
Posted Jun 11, 2014 at Nourish Your Career
Girls, Education, and Peace
Posted May 20, 2014 at Nourish Your Career
JibberJobber - More than a Career Management Tool
Posted May 16, 2014 at Nourish Your Career
Mother's Day Gift
Posted May 8, 2014 at Nourish Your Career
Thank you so much, Dorlee, for stopping by, and for your kind and thoughtful comment!
I think you're quite right. The ability to find something to feel thankful for can certainly help us in our current situation, and there is every chance that at least one thing from our experience will prove useful in a future opportunity.
I love the quote you shared! How beautiful! Thank you so much for introducing me to it.
Thanks again for your visit, and for kindly sharing your wisdom!
Thankful for your career?
Hearing Maya Angelou talk about an Attitude of Gratitude on NPR a few years ago, just a few days before Thanksgiving in the U.S., inspired me to write about this important concept (value, really) and how it can relate to so many aspects of our lives, including our careers. Chances are you've...
Many thanks, Karen!
How kind of you to stop by and to share your thoughtful comment.
Enjoy a great week-
Nourish Your Career - Expert Interviews | Barry Davis
Barry Davis Barry Davis is a career coach, speaker, and founder of Gift of Self Career Services, LLC. One of his gifts is helping others discover how to use their gifts and passions to thrive in the world of work. He recently joined me to talk about bringing your passion to work...
Thankful for your career?
Posted Nov 27, 2013 at Nourish Your Career
Nourish Your Career - Expert Interviews | Barry Davis
Posted Nov 24, 2013 at Nourish Your Career
If Careers Were Costumes
Posted Oct 31, 2013 at Nourish Your Career
Great to see you here, Anita! Thank you for your kind feedback. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a one-woman mission to prevent the pitfalls that come with the endorsement feature,and help LI users get the most out of it :-)
Don’t Click “Endorse” on LinkedIn …at least not yet
There has been a lot of talk about LinkedIn Skill Endorsements, their value, and whether and how to use them. For one little feature, there is so much we can cover about it. In this post I’ll just focus on a few tips for using it well when endorsing others. For those of you who’ve told me you do...
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