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Alexandria, Va
I'm married, with one kid and one newly adopted cat.
Interests: napping, reading, running, talking about running, eating stuff, mike leigh films, weizen, mixing stuff with my hand-mixer, ricky gervais podcasts, atheism, documentaries, volunteering at school, camping, striped clothing, wool socks, Mizuno sneakers, ice cream,
Recent Activity
I've just completed one full year back at work, and I've gone the whole time without blogging. Mostly I've been too busy. Sometimes, I've been too miserable. Sometimes still, I've been too excited and happy. You know, . . .... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2013 at Fat Biscuit
The good news is really good: I got a brand spanking new job, full-time, doing something I've never done before. I get to learn something new and get paid. I get to wear fun clothes and do working lunches and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
Eight years ago today, I started keeping (sporadically) this blog. I was 29. Today I'm 37, and so far, I'm having a hard time with it. Of course, nothing says "Happy Birthday" like losing your regular freelance job the day... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
I did it. I got my Golden Ticket. It was touch and go1 for a while as to whether or not I'd be able to hobble through the 6.2 trail miles of the Irish Sprint 10K in order to gain... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
I've done it again, people. I've messed up my lower back. I don't think there was one specific exercise or mile that did it, just the accumulation of running + bad sitting posture + weak abdominals. I'm just guessing about... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
1. We finally tracked down our Father's family and have essentially discovered a tribe of kinfolk, all living in Swansea, Wales. Sian and I have 7 first cousins! We couldn't be happier. 2. Bought new runnng shoes yesterday (pic to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
It seems I don't know my own strength. That is, I don't fully realize how little strength I have. At least when it comes to my upper legs. What I thought was a casual and harmless decision to do some... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
This weekend Owen finally made it to the top of the rock at Lake Monticello. This is a Richards tradition, as the school-age Sian and I spent many hours scrambling up and then sliding down this large, sandy boulder. While... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
Ceri Richards added a favorite at Fat Biscuit
Feb 17, 2012
1. Yesterday, after listening to a full 10 minutes of my office mate's (read: husband's) conference call on speaker phone, I made a decision: "If I can't focus enough to get some editing done, then I should at least get... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
This week my running is still not quite back to normal. My lower back continues to feel a bit tight, and in my determination to remain injury free for this summer's marathon training, I'm loathe to push it. That said,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
1. I recently changed all of my online passwords and feel like I'll never remember them without my cheat sheet. 2. For Run this Amazing Day: I never get a bikini wax, which is exactly why I always try to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
I wish I could say that Puglee there belonged to my son, but truth be told, that cuddly worn-out mess is mine. I just tried to sneak in some last-minute studying with Owen and was met with a groan. It's... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
If December was a recovery month after the back-to-back fall half-marathons, then January was one really long nap. In January I ran a total of only 38 miles: the least mileage for the entire year. So, I bid adieu to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
1. I love stationary, pens, pencils, little notebooks, and pretty postcards. 2. I have some strange, irrational fears: Whenever I turn the oven light on after the oven has already heated up, I'm afraid that it will make the whole... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
1. Yesterday I registered for the Irish Sprint 10 K, which takes place on March 17. This race is part of the MC race series, but more importantly, will provide my golden ticket into the MC Marathon. All I have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
This post was supposed to be "Tuesday Tidbits," but I got distracted. 1. My fitness goals (yup, I know, I actually typed that) at the moment center around maintaining a decent base to carry me through till late Spring when... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
It's been a while . . . 1. I love my name: Ceri. I can't thank my parents enough for choosing it. Good job! 2. Both Tay and Owen have a touch of synesthesia, specifically, color-graphemic synesthesia. This means that... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
Spontaneous Ceri took over this morning and contacted a few friends to meet for coffee and bagels. Usually, we do this type of blatant consumerism and carb-loading on Friday mornings; see how wacky I am today! All of us have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
I've been out of blogland for a few weeks, enjoying (?) the holidays and generally ignoring the computer. We've had our Christmas I (with in-laws) and Christmas II (with my Mum), and now Owen is back in school and Tay... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
May it be filled with happiness and yummy beer. Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2012 at Fat Biscuit
This week has been rough. Some odd combination of mildly irritating circumstances (my son being home sick for 3 days, the darkness, my lack of exercise, the miserable shopping trips) have conspired to bring me down. But, tomorrow begins our... Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2011 at Fat Biscuit