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Interests: family, reading, home decor, arts & crafts, photography, faith, travelling
Recent Activity
I had a really mixed reaction to the photos (before you even mentioned not being sure about the paper). Love the transformation, and the wallpaper, but must admit I thought it was a bit of a departure from your usual style. It's not country, but doesn't seem really you either. I'd not paint over it till you've done the stairs though... they do throw it somewhat. Sissal would make it look a bit country. Grey stairs and handrail would make it more you. THEN, you can reassess the wallpaper.
The Basement Stairwell
One of the main projects I had for my vacation was to do something to my basement stairwell. Now that I’m sleeping down there I wanted it to look clean and fresh. I’m skipping the process and getting straight to the after. Much lighter, cleaner and fresher. But is it me? I ha...
Moving on!
Sorry for being so quiet over here lately, but I have been working on a major project... a new blog (which will take the place of this one. So please come on over to Artfully Carin and update your readers. I can't wait to see you over there! Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2012 at Life As We Know It
Gorgeous already! Love it!
art in progress...
just a little in progress sneak peek of the big (60 x 40") canvas i have been working on. lots to do today, hoping to cross a few things off my "list" of things to do. still a few things to cross off the to do list at the NEW studio too. but i promise photos are coming soon!
Kirby's first painting
I am so happy to show you this masterpiece today! Kirby's first ever painting! I've been meaning to set Kirby up with paints for a while now, but life has kept getting in the way. This morning the timing was finally right, so I stripped him down to his nappy... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2012 at Life As We Know It
Thank you Marie! xoxo
Kirby: 18 months
Kirby, at 18 months you... are 88.5 cm take a size 6 shoe have one nap in the day sleep roughly from 8 pm to 6 am have turned into a proper little boy have started to draw and make your marks love dancing, climbing, running, and playing chase love playing with cars and balls (and have on...
Katja, his hair is actually a really odd colour. It has streaks of red and blonde, so you don't know from one day to the next what it's going to look like. Some days it's more blonde. Some days it's more red. It's cute though.
That would be so much fun!
Kirby: 18 months
Kirby, at 18 months you... are 88.5 cm take a size 6 shoe have one nap in the day sleep roughly from 8 pm to 6 am have turned into a proper little boy have started to draw and make your marks love dancing, climbing, running, and playing chase love playing with cars and balls (and have on...
Kirby: 18 months
Kirby, at 18 months you... are 88.5 cm take a size 6 shoe have one nap in the day sleep roughly from 8 pm to 6 am have turned into a proper little boy have started to draw and make your marks love dancing, climbing, running, and playing chase love... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2012 at Life As We Know It
Thanks so much Kristin! We're all for saving our sanity, right?!
Art on the go: kids art kits
Hello my dears! It is so good to be back! Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers over the past couple of weeks. Alan and I are very grateful for your concern. We're doing okay and getting back to normal. Aoife still needs to talk it out a bit more, but she's getting ther...
Thank you so much Carolyn! You are so right, they are definitely win win.
Art on the go: kids art kits
Hello my dears! It is so good to be back! Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers over the past couple of weeks. Alan and I are very grateful for your concern. We're doing okay and getting back to normal. Aoife still needs to talk it out a bit more, but she's getting ther...
Thanks Jenny! I'm so glad you like them so much you'll even suggest them to your daughter. I'm sure your grandkids would love them! xo
Art on the go: kids art kits
Hello my dears! It is so good to be back! Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers over the past couple of weeks. Alan and I are very grateful for your concern. We're doing okay and getting back to normal. Aoife still needs to talk it out a bit more, but she's getting ther...
Thanks Mon!
Art on the go: kids art kits
Hello my dears! It is so good to be back! Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers over the past couple of weeks. Alan and I are very grateful for your concern. We're doing okay and getting back to normal. Aoife still needs to talk it out a bit more, but she's getting ther...
Thanks Michelle. I'm sure she would. Aoife is 5 as well. Kirby is getting into them now too, with a little help. He'll be 18 months in a few days. So they can be done for really little hands too.
Art on the go: kids art kits
Hello my dears! It is so good to be back! Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers over the past couple of weeks. Alan and I are very grateful for your concern. We're doing okay and getting back to normal. Aoife still needs to talk it out a bit more, but she's getting ther...
Thanks Jen! I have to say they have been pretty cool. Kirby is getting into them now too :)
Art on the go: kids art kits
Hello my dears! It is so good to be back! Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers over the past couple of weeks. Alan and I are very grateful for your concern. We're doing okay and getting back to normal. Aoife still needs to talk it out a bit more, but she's getting ther...
Art on the go: kids art kits
Hello my dears! It is so good to be back! Thank you very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers over the past couple of weeks. Alan and I are very grateful for your concern. We're doing okay and getting back to normal. Aoife still needs to talk it... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2012 at Life As We Know It
How fun! What a great memory for them to have!
Olympic Torch
Ben and Charlotte with the 2012 Olympic Torch I know I am late with this photograph! The Olympic Torch arrived in Plymouth on it's first weekend and I am only just getting around to posting this picture. My friend Nicky's daughter Annie was chosen as one of the torch bearers for Plymouth and...
Thank you Ella! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. My father-in-law passed away thge other week so I have been away from the PC a lot.
Yes, I just print it out on regular printer paper, edge the sides of the cut out images with a brownish ink pad so the edges don't stand out so much, then just add a little bit of shading on and around the picture so it looks part of the page. That's basically all I did on this one anyway. Although you can get as creative as you like with photos in journaling.
A week in my {art} journal
Show and tell time again! I haven't done much art journaling the last couple of weeks because there has been so much going on with Kirby teething (still) and Aoife starting school. I think I have about 5 pages near completion, but only one to show today... first day This page is chock ...
Unexpected bloggy break
Hello my lovelies, Just to let you know I'm taking a week or so off due to Alan's dad passing away tonight. I want to be with Alan at this difficult time. xx Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2012 at Life As We Know It
Canvas | Pride and Prejudice Heart
My internet has been rubbish lately and that really put me off actually using it so I have been staying away from the computer and doing a lot of knitting instead! This week I actually ventured into my craft room the paint the canvas that has been waiting under my desk to receive a picture for ...
Oooh, that yarn looks yummy. You and your afghans lol
My Current Work In Progress - yep, another afghan
I wanted to share my current work in progress. Well, *one* of my works in progress. I am still working on my ripple blanket, and I am still in love with it. I just needed a break from it. Just for a little while. (Love-you-miss-you-it's-not-you-it's-me, ripple!) My aunt had made an afghan for my...
366 photos: day 156-162
Wow! Thank you for all your amazing comments yesterday! I am totally floored by them. They were so loving and supportive. You guys rock! It feels kind of odd going back to a 366 photos post after that! But here we go... Week 23 was a bit of an odd... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2012 at Life As We Know It
Holy crap! I AM an artist!
Finding my feet, art journal, 2012 I never dreamed of being an artist. I only ever wanted to be a mum. Yet somehow earlier this year, my dreams changed. I realised I no longer wanted to be a mum who does art on the side, I wanted to be a... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2012 at Life As We Know It
Thanks Jenny! And thanks for saying that about Thursday photo. I was wondering if I should include it. But it's real life, so yeah.
366 photos: day 149-155
Last week was pretty topsy turvy because of the Diamond Jubilee and Aoife being on half term, so I never got to post my 366 photos. Which means you get a double dose this week. I'm posting week 22 (the week before last) today, and week 23 (last week) on Wednesday, with a BBTL link party in bet...
366 photos: day 149-155
Last week was pretty topsy turvy because of the Diamond Jubilee and Aoife being on half term, so I never got to post my 366 photos. Which means you get a double dose this week. I'm posting week 22 (the week before last) today, and week 23 (last week) on... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2012 at Life As We Know It
My Britain
As the UK celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II with a 4 day weekend, I was overwhelmed with love for this adopted country of mine. I may not have been born here, but this country, with its amazing energy, welcomed me in with open arms when I was... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2012 at Life As We Know It
Thank you Katja!
Art for Aoife: dance like nobody's watching
Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth. ~ Mark Twain Yay! The first canvas for Aoife's room is done! I have to admit I was a bit nervous about it. I mean, come on, the girl wanted pink and...
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