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Carla Graham
Recent Activity
Beautiful, especially the last two lines.
Grateful Morning
Her eyes open, and the world awakes to meet her, The sun through curtain’s spaces illuminate her silken hair. As she lifts her head to turn and see the light, Envied pillow rises missing softer cheek. Unassuming chin, conductor of whatever crowd she joins, follows the perfect pitch of her h...
Nice. Has the resonance of Whitman. More please :)
I’ll sit before i rise, there i have a chance to ponder Make the most of when I stand Set a course for whats at hand I will not sit to long, for my mind would start to wander Of the whys it all had come to this And who did hide expected bliss When the hour to sit is over, then to stand to star...
Carla Graham is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 31, 2010
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