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Great stuff.
The Ploys of Platform Building
I'm an advocate for "building platform." It's absolutely critical for launching a succesful venture. In Dream Year, we say that without platform, you're a glorified beggar, looking for other people's outlets to hawk your ideas. When I started the Whiteboard Sessions in 2008, I didn't have a mark...
Great post! I completely agree with your observation. I blogged yesterday about this, I titled it "My review of the Reviews of Rob Bells book, Love Wins" :-)
Rob Bell and the new generation
Travis asked me about Rob Bell and the new generation of Christians yesterday, in the light of the present controversy regarding his Love Wins book release. My answer is a bit long for his blog comments so I will post it here. Travis, I think neither one will happen. Rob Bell will not become i...
I get a lot of traffic to my blog from people googling "Kidd Rock" and "Contraband the Movie" :-)
Your Natural Search Position
I've always been unsettled by unnatural popularity on the internet. I like a good search engine ranking like the next guy, but how you get there matters to me. Call me old fashioned, but I like when content speaks for iteself. Not retweeting yourself. Or mass follows with the hope of something i...
That second guy looks like a member of the group "Right Said Fred".
Special Guests at Dream Year Weekend
So you're in for a treat if you're coming to the Nashville Dream Year Weekend on January 21-23. Not just for the great dinner on Friday night, the gifts, and the professional photos by Brittany Steiger, but... some incredible special guests are coming: Photographer Jeremy Cowart *pending av...
Great as always. Thanks. Have a great and wonderful Christmas.
Wednesday Morning Run-Down
Have gotten 2-1/2 responses on the Easter Experience idea. =) Five churches is my fleece... so we'll see. Don't forget you have until Christmas night to get $50 off the Dream Year weekend in Nashville with discount code FALALA. I'm bringing Ainsley and the boys Dream Year participant Kate Schmi...
I find the the "magic" starts once I start moving, acting, doing, the magic is there.
Great stuff.
I always feel like I'm getting a free education here :-)
Creativity is a To Do List
When most of us experience something amazing, we tend to attribute it to magic. Not real magic, of course, but some abstract quality that helps us understand why it’s so great. If we enjoy a great concert, we assume the artist must be larger than life. A great restaurant must be a culinary phe...
CaroleTurner is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 15, 2010
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