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Carol Saller
Carol Saller, a long-time manuscript editor at the University of Chicago Press, is author of THE SUBVERSIVE COPY EDITOR and a contributing editor at THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE. Her middle-grade historical novel EDDIE'S WAR was a Best Book at Kirkus, Bankstreet, and the Chicago Public Library and a Horn Book recommended verse narrative. Representing THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE, Carol has have given keynotes, sessions, and workshops at international, national, regional, and local conferences. As author of The Subversive Copy Editor and several children’s books, she has guest lectured for the University of Chicago Graham School’s publishing program and DePaul University’s editing degree and occasionally appear on Chicago’s public television news program Chicago Tonight as well as at writer events, bookstores, panels, webinars, and workshops on writing, editing, and publishing.