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Carol Venezia
Recent Activity
Why can't Farmville take some hints from Farm Town? Like when you harvest your first item, it asks do you want to harvest and sell from now on?? Then you only have to go around clicking the tree and such once. Not click, harvest, click, get the idea Better yet, an option, individual or whole farm. Same one click for crops, plowing. I envision a whole internet society with Farmville Tunnel Syndrome instead of carpal tunnel!!
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2009 on Sending Presents! at FarmVille
I'm at level 40 and you can't send everything. Only a certain number of items you have to purchase with FV. I also agree on the boxes. I bought a manor then got 2 in the mystery box! There should be a preview of possible prizes. Although, the fuel is a great bargain
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2009 on Sending Presents! at FarmVille
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Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2009 on Sending Presents! at FarmVille
Yes, what's that about. It doesn't let you remove them
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2009 on Sending Presents! at FarmVille
We should be able to give our own items as gifts just like Farm Town not just buy them.
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2009 on Sending Presents! at FarmVille
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Nov 26, 2009