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Susan Carraretto
Recent Activity
I don't know anything about basketball or American Idol. LOL
March Madness: MY final four
In order: Crystal Bowersox ~ Consistent, authentic, effortless, an always-delight. Plus she pulls off the dreads like few white women could; heck I couldn't even pull off BRAIDS! Siobhan Magnus ~ Man, I want her to take on Streisand! Drama Queen, enigmatic, a curiosity who can stop shows with...
Brilliant boy you have there. That was the sweetest knock knock joke I've ever heard.
Knock Knock Joke
The other night, my son and I were telling each other jokes and he said "Mom, I made up a knock, knock joke for you!" and here it is... Knock knock Who's there? Let me think Let me think who? Let me think of you... Don't you think he has a future in the greeting card business? All I know i...
Susan Carraretto is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 18, 2010
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