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Casa Pinka
Design crazed doctor who loves projects and driving her husband crazy by painting things pink. I wear small Hello Kitty earrings to work but unfortunately, I don't own a pink doctor coat.
Recent Activity
Hi Sara Marie, I'm so glad you left a comment despite Typepad making it so difficult these days. That is the faux marble countertop that you see and I was going to take some gloss off because of the scratch factor but it seems to be quite tough, so maybe I'll just leave. I'll post the finished product soon when I get that pesky grout done!
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2014 on French Toast Casserole at casapinka
That is a great idea - I will check it out. Thank you so much, Lorianne!
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2014 on Pink Dishwasher at casapinka
Casa Pinka added a favorite at Daily Painting
Jul 31, 2013
hi there! newborn-2 years is all. why-did you want one for yourself, hee hee? bronnie
Toggle Commented Jan 26, 2013 on Need Test Knitters! at casapinka
Maria, Your kitchen is beautiful! I love Wilendur tablecloths - that was such a good idea. I just had my kitchen painted this last week. Dont have good photos yet but as a fellow comrade in eschewing the boring, you might appreciate this photo even if you dont appreciate the color. the next step is to get paint on the wooden cabinets. Best, Bronwyn
Toggle Commented Jan 21, 2013 on Red in the Kitchen at casapinka
Thanks CJM, i was keeping this in the back of my mind for the day I NEEDED it! -Pink
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2013 on Crocheted Wire Hanger Cover at creative jewish mom
1 reply
I have your book....I guess it's time to buy Food and Wine now!
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Sadly, can't get it to work, either. I think more explicit instructions would be helpful. For example do we replace our USERNAME with our Pinterest username in all caps? What if we don't want the specific board? Do we cut out any of the copyright info and instructions in the text file? This would be great in the sidebar but just isn't working after 30 minutes of fiddling. Would appreciate more help!
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