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Eric Case
San Francisco, CA, USA
Recent Activity
I've always suspected that Hollywood's favorite thing is making shows about itself.
just like the snowglobe
I've actively watched *maybe* an aggregate of 90 minutes of The Hills through it's run on MTV, so admittedly I'm not the best person to weigh in on what they did with the finale. But still... > As Kristin Cavallari pulled away, off to Europe to "find" herself, pal and former flame Brody Jenner st...
I've always wished I could just lease the Kindle from them, because I don't really care about the device itself. When the hardware gets revved, mail it to me and I'd mail back the old one.
kindle as service v. kindle as product
Andrew blogs the rumor that Amazon is going to give Kindles away to their Prime subscribers[1], and comments... > But I don't know... there's something about it that still just doesn't feel right to me. Most of my heavy reading friends love theirs (I'm looking at you Sippey). I'm buying an iPad a...
Eric Case is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 30, 2009
Eric Case is now following Ophelia
Nov 18, 2009
Eric Case is now following Andy
Nov 18, 2009
Eric Case added a favorite at Dollarshort
Nov 18, 2009
Eric Case is now following Leah Culver
Nov 18, 2009
Eric Case shared a video on YouTube
at Lolene Music
Sep 10, 2009
Eric Case is now following Lolene
Sep 10, 2009
Eric Case is now following Michael Sippey
Sep 10, 2009
Eric Case added a photo at Lolene Music
Sep 10, 2009
Can't wait for Electrick Hotel!!!
Can't wait for Electrick Hotel!!! Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2009 at Lolene Music
Perhaps you should start said forward-thinking radio station? ;)
Do it all online, yo!
CBC Radio 3: A Trip to the Great White North
With the snowballing success of artists like Feist, Arcade Fire and Tegan & Sara, it's no secret that tons of great music comes from Canada. A friend just turned me on to a Canadian indie rock radio station CBC Radio 3. They describe themselves thusly: CBC Radio 3 is available 24/7 on satellite...
Beautiful post, KT. And beautiful music. :)
Wherefore Bill Withers?
As promised, I will now tell you why you should own Bill Withers' Greatest Hits. You likely fall into one of two camps: Camp 1: Bill Withers? Duh. He rules. Camp 2: No idea who you're talking about. Ah, but dear members of Camp 2, you do know Bill Withers. You have undoubtedly heard Club ...
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