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Is this stringy lovely lead white? I had the chance to try it in grad school although I'm sure the consistency is different now than it was then. I can't get over the tiny brushstrokes on this piece - it is such a gem for those willing to take a closer look.
Having recently seen this youthful Rembrandt self portrait in the Rijksmuseum, I want to write a few words about it. (I couldn't post the photo that I had taken of it since it was not of good quality) These two images were taken from the Rijksmeum site. (The photo of a windblown a...
Hi Ron,
Thanks for sharing these - I am currently saving up my pennies for a trip to Europe, and seeing these up close is a nice way for me to get glimpses of what I'll hopefully be seeing in person soon!
Also, I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm a former UWO student of yours (from Drawing 2 & color) - I was in your class your last semester teaching before you retired. :)
Hope you are well,
-Cassie (Christenson) Edwards
The Jewish Bride
I was greatly moved by this painting last week in Amsterdam. It's another of Rembrants's paintings that evokes artistic and humanistic emotions in me. Rembrant's painting of Lucretia (in Minneapolis) is another of these great accomplishments. Despite my disclaimer about not posting mediocre ... is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 5, 2012
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